Skatepark (part 2)

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Payton : « y/n, are you okay ? » rushing towards you.
You : « no » hurting but laughing at the same time.
Payton : « can we know why you're laughing ? » a bit confused.
You : « I fell like shit, fuck » still laughing.
Payton : « I-.. » shaking his head a little, smiling.
Payton : « no but seriously, does it hurt anywhere ? »
You : « my ankle » stopping to laugh a bit and clenching your teeth.
You : « but I'm sure it's nothing dw- » trying to get up.
You : « ouch- »
Payton : « no, don't get up, you mustn't lean on it »
You : « but I'm not gonna stay here »
Payton : « no, I'm gonna carry you »
You : « you're really funny »
Payton : « I know but it's not a joke, you need to go to the front desk » taking you in his arms, laughing a bit.
You : « Payton, put me down. Payton- omg.. » hiding your head against his chest because you are embarrassed.
It makes him laugh.

You arrive at the front desk and a girl in charge of the skatepark comes to see you.
Girl : « omg what happened ? »
Payton : « she probably twisted her ankle »
Girl : « okay, you can put her down there »
He puts you down on a bench.
Girl : « I'm gonna get you some ice » looking at you.
You nod.
She goes to get some, then comes back.
Girl : « keep it on your ankle, okay ? should go see a doctor afterwards, you may need a splint »
You : « oh, okay.. for a long time ? »
Girl : « you'll see with the doctor, but I think just a few days »
You : « k, thank you »
Girl : « she was skateboarding, right ? I'm gonna get her skate back then » to Payton.
Payton : « oh yeah sure, I'll go get it »
He goes get your skate and his and brings it back. (He keeps his)

After that, he stays with you on the bench.
You : « I told you it was a bad idea, me on a skate » 🤡
Payton : « at least it was funny »
You : « eh. » smiling a bit.
He laughs a bit.
You : « ..I really suck » sighing a little, smiling a bit.
Payton : « nah, actually, you don't even know how many times I've twisted my ankle. It's normal when you're learning, you can't get everything right the first time »
You : « uhm »
You can see that he plans to stay on the bench with you.
You : « well, you're not gonna stay here because I can't skateboard. Show me some of what you can do »
He turns his head towards you.
You : « come on, we'll get bored otherwise » 😌
Payton : « okay okay » 😌
He gets up and takes his skate.
You : « be careful tho » 🤡
He goes on the ramps and starts to do some tricks. You look at him, smiling, kind of proud. You are also really impressed.

On Maya's side :
She comes back and does not see Payton with the others, so she goes to see Talia who is sitting on the bench with Cynthia and Leïa.
Maya : « don't you know where Payton is ? »
Talia : « right there- » turning around but not seeing you.
Talia : « well, they were right there »
Maya : « they ? »
Talia : « yeah him and y/n »
She suddenly gets a little tense.
Talia : « they probably went drinking » 🤷🏻‍♀️
Maya : « but I just came from there and I didn't see them »
Talia : « they'll be back, dw »
Maya : « okay » sitting with the girls on the bench.

But after a few minutes, you are still not there.
Talia : « they still haven't come back ? »
Maya : « no, but don't you want us to go look for them ? »
Talia : « yeah okay, let's go »
So they go around the skatepark, it is very big so they can not find you right away.
But after a while, Maya sees Payton on a ramp.
Maya : « he's here » pointing at him.
Talia : « and y/n ? »
Maya : « idk » watching Payton.
Talia : « well, don't move, I'm gonna look for her » raising her eyes a little.
Maya : « uhum » not giving a damn.
Talia : « oh, she's right there » seeing you on a nearby bench.

So she comes to you.
You : « Talia » smiling a bit.
Talia : « what did you do ? » laughing a bit, seeing the ice on your ankle.
You : « I broke my ass » 🤡
Talia : « what a dumbass »
You : « fr »
Talia : « so, what's wrong with your ankle ? »
You : « I twisted it ig, but it's okay it's nothing, I may have a splint for a few days, that's all »
Talia : « it sucks tho »
You : « a bit »
Talia : « fell in front of Payton ? » holding back a laugh.
You : « yes » 🤡
She laughs a bit.
You : « but the worst part is that he carried me all the way here. In front of everyone. I was so embarrassed » 💀
Talia : « what a gentleman » laughing a bit.
Talia : « the worst part is that I didn't get that on camera tho »
You : « omg shut up, imagine » laughing.
She laughs.
Talia : « well, and for your splint, when are you going ? »
You : « well, I'm waiting for Payton. He barely had time to skateboard with this story »
Talia : « you're going with him ? » 😌
You : « because he was with me, okay » raising your eyes a little.
Talia : « I know someone who's not gonna like that » looking at Maya in the distance.
You : « oh she came » 🙄

Maya turns her head and sees you, so she comes and sits next to Talia.
Maya : « he's really talented » still watching Payton.
Talia : « he's been doing it for a super long time, so.. »
Maya : « yeah I know, he told me » kind of proud.
You raise your eyes.
Maya : « oh y/n but, what happened to you ? » having just noticed it.
You : « I twisted my ankle »
Maya : « oh, shit »
You : « uhm »
There is a little awkward silence.
Talia : « well, we're gonna go soon, right ? You have to go see the doctor » looking at you.
You nod.
Talia : « I'm gonna get the others then. I think they all stopped anyway »
You : « yeah okay »
She leaves.
Maya : « well, I'm gonna go tell Payton then » getting up and going towards him.
You : « uhm »

The others come back, Payton stops and joins you.
Madi : « oh shit y/n, what did you do ? »
You : « I twisted my ankle. But dw it's nothing »
Josh : « well, you wanted to be interesting, and now.. » teasing you.
You : « fuck you Josh » smiling a bit.
He giggles.
Madi : « but then.. are we gonna eat or.. ? »
Payton : « well, we're gonna go see the doctor, so.. »
Maya understands that Payton is gonna come with you, so she is a little annoyed.
You : « but go ahead guys, we'll join you »
Madi : « okay »
Cynthia : « what do you say we take some food on the way, and then go to the pool ? »
Jaden : « yeah, let's go »
Payton : « well, we'll meet you at the pool then »
Talia nods.
You return your skates and your rollers. The girl at the front desk lends you crutches, then you guys leave the skatepark.

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