Problematic date

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A few days go by, you finally took off your splint. Josh has tried to get closer to you a few times. Maya, on her side, is still trying to get closer to Payton, but he is putting more and more distance with her since he is getting closer and closer to you.
You guys do a lot of tiktoks and post some pictures together. In the evening, Payton often goes live on Instagram in his room and guests you. There are more and more rumors about you two.
(Annex in the next chapter 📌)

Every night, after everyone has fallen asleep, you have gotten into the habit of meeting at a small outdoor skatepark nearby and spending some time together. Payton bought a skate, so he takes the opportunity to make some.
You guys have a really good time together. It makes you feel good to be just the two of you. You can be closer than when you are with the others.

This morning, you guys wake up and wait for each other outside the rooms to have breakfast together. You are ready first, with Chase, Payton, Josh, Jade, Jaden and Talia.
While you are waiting for the others, Josh comes to see you.

Josh : « hey you » 😌
You : « hi Josh, what do you want ? » :

Josh : « would you like to go eat together tonight ? »You give a little discreet look at Payton, who by the way is watching you from afar

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Josh : « would you like to go eat together tonight ? »
You give a little discreet look at Payton, who by the way is watching you from afar.
You : « wdym ? » pretending not to have understood the question.
Josh : « I mean, you.. and me » 😌
You : « are you serious ? »
Josh : « well, yes »
You : « you asking me on a date ? »
Josh : « I guess so »
You : « Josh... »
Josh : « please say yes »
You : « sorry but- »
Josh : « we can go as friends, we're friends, right ? Come on y/n » forcing.
You sigh a bit.
You : « you're not gonna leave me alone, are you ? »
Josh : « nope, sorry »
You : « ugh » uncomfortable because you and Payton are really close now.
Josh : « please » 🙏🏻
You : « well, okay... BUT, this is the first and last time, okay ? »
Josh : « yeah okay, cool » 😌
You are really uncomfortable but you tell yourself that you will explain to him that he is just your friend and that nothing will ever happen with him.

The others arrive, the day goes by. During the day Madi and Chris do a little live, where they answer some rumors about you and Payton, because people keep asking if you guys are together :

Then, the evening comes. Josh is getting ready for your "date", he is making himself beautiful. For your part, you put on a dress because you are going to a restaurant but that is all.
The others are waiting for each other in the hallway to go eat together.

You come out of your room.
Chris : « wow, okay »
Madi : « whaat ? but- »
Then Josh comes out a few seconds after you, the others notice that he is well dressed.
Chris : « can someone explain to me what's going on here ? » raising his eyebrows, smiling a bit.
Cynthia : « you guys are going on a date ? » surprised, but smiling a bit.
Josh : « we're going to the restaurant »
You : « it's not really a date huh »
Jaden : « yeah ofc »
Anthony : « you guys are not wasting your time » 😌
You : « it's okay guys, stop it » raising your eyes a little.
Josh : « yeah stop okay, we're going "as friends" » 😌
Everyone laughs a bit, Talia and Chase do not say anything and look at Payton. He is looking away, trying to stay calm.
You told Payton during the day and explained to him why you had accepted, but he did not take it well.

The others go downstairs to eat.
Josh takes you to a restaurant. You feel that he is still trying to get close to you and flirt, but you gently explain to him that he is just a good friend to you, and that you do not want him to think that anything could ever happen between you.
He finally understands that you are not interested. He is disappointed but respects your choice.
So you guys finish eating while talking about everything and nothing, then go back to your rooms. It is quite late, the others are already asleep. Josh is so tired that he goes straight to bed.
On your side, Talia, Madi and Cynthia are deeply asleep, so you check your phone. Normally, Payton always texts you to meet him at the skatepark, but this time : nothing.

You decide to go anyway and see if he is there. You put on something more comfortable and leave the room. You arrive at the skatepark and see him skateboarding in the distance. You decide to go see him. He seems a bit on edge. His skate goes off and comes towards you.
Payton : « fuck. » tense.
You stop it with your foot. Payton turns around and sees you.

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