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Payton goes back with the others. They make two teams. Maya is on the same team as him. You can not help but glance at the pool.

« who are u looking at ? 😏 »
« you're so beautiful !! »
« my parents had one job 🤡 »
« what's going on ? »

Payton's team is winning. Maya takes the opportunity to get a little closer to him.
After a while, Payton scores the last point. They win, so Maya jumps on him, all happy.
You try to keep a straight face, but it pisses you off.
He smiles at her, a little uncomfortable, then joins the rest of his team.
You : « well guys, I think I'm gonna stop the live »

« oh nooo stay 🥺 »
« please don't »
« ilysm ❤️❤️❤️ »

Talia gets out of the pool and comes to see you.
You : « Taliaa » smiling.
Talia : « I lost » ✌🏻💀
You : « yeah I saw that » laughing a bit.
You : « say hi »
Talia : « oh you're live, hi guys » smiling.

« heyyy Talia »
« oh Talia ilyyyyy »
« I LOVE U »
« ive never seen two pretty best frie- »

Talia gives you an insistent look. You understand that she wants to talk to you, so you stop the live.
You : « well guys, I have to leave you. I love y'all, have a great day or night idk, and.. see you » smiling.
Talia comes and sits on a lounge chair next to you.
You : « so, what's wrong ? » looking at her for two seconds and then looking at Maya and Payton again.
Talia : « me nothing, but you... » raising her eyebrows a little.
You : « wdym ? » turning your head towards her.
Talia : « she didn't kiss him, relax » 🙄😌
You : « uh, I mean, lucky for her »
Talia : « oh but she's really jealous » 😌
You : « no, it's just that.. she's abusing, seriously »
Talia : « yeah you're jealous »
You turn your head, raising your eyes a little.
Talia : « well, look who's coming »

Maya is coming your way. She takes her phone, and then look at you.
Maya : « hru y/n ? Aren't you too bored here ? » a bit provocative.
You : « oh no Maya, I'm not in the mood rn, leave me alone »
Maya : « I'm just asking if you're okay, why are you attacking me like this ? »
You : « but I'm not attacking you, I just want you to leave me alone » 🙄
Maya : « you're upset that Payton doesn't stay with you 24/7, right ? »
You : « omg, here we go again » sighing.
Maya : « he's having fun without you too, yk ? »
You : « alright, you done ? »
Maya : « no I'm not done. I hate it when you talk down to people like that. »
You : « but I don't talk down to anyone actually. » annoyed.
Talia : « Maya, you should go »
Maya : « why ? Will she get mad if I don't ? »
You : « but what the fuck do you want ? » pissed off.
Some people around you turn around because you guys start to raise your voice.
Talia : « girls, it's okay, calm down »
Maya : « oh she's finally getting angry. Alright, you're done playing the victim then. »
You : « wtf- I'm not playing the victim, but you're really getting on my nerves rn. » getting up, pissed off.

The others in the pool hear you and turn to you. Payton gets out and rushes towards you.
You : « go piss off someone else girl. »
Payton comes to you.
Payton : « y/n, calm down and sit back down. You mustn't get up » grabbing you by the shoulders and trying to calm you down.
You : « it's okay. »
Payton : « what's going on ? »
You : « ..nothing »
For her part, Leïa calmed Maya down.
Chase : « um maybe we should go inside »
Madi : « yeah there are too many people here, come on »

The others start to leave, and Payton and Talia wait for you.
Payton : « what happened ? »
You : « well, she just wanted to piss someone off » still a bit annoyed.
Talia : « it's okay, come on, we'll talk about it later »
You take your crutches and you guys go to your rooms. You go to Talia, Cynthia and Madi's of course.
Payton leaves you with the girls.
Payton : « Talia, wait »
Talia : « it's okay, I'll take care of her »

In the girls' room :
Cynthia : « what happened y/n ? »
You : « nothing, she just love to piss people off » still tense.
Madi : « well um, we're gonna leave you guys, k ? » 😶
They leave you with Talia and go join Chris, Jaden and Anthony in their room.
You : « she's such a bitch. »
Talia : « eh relax, it's okay »
You : « fuck, I can't stand her anymore. »
You : « ..I can't sleep with her, it's not possible »
Talia : « well, come sleep with us, it's a room for 4 people normally, there's a bed for you here »
You : « omg cool, thank you »
Talia : « come on, let's get your stuff »
You : « no, she's probably there. I'll go later, after dinner »
Talia : « yeah okay »

You all spend the rest of the afternoon chilling in your rooms. You stay on Talia's bed with her, your head on her shoulder.
You : « omg I'm so tired... » yawning.
Talia : « why don't you take a nap ? »
You : « now ? »
Talia : « well, yes. I'll wake you up for dinner »
You : « okay, thank you » lying down and closing your eyes.

After a few minutes, you are deeply asleep. Talia starts to get a little bored so she goes to see the others. They are all in Chris, Jaden and Anthony's room.
She goes sit next to Payton. The others are talking so he turns to her.
Payton : « where is she ? » in a low voice.
Talia : « in my bed, she's sleeping »
Payton : « oh okay, ...but what happened ? »
Talia : « Payton... she was just on edge, you can talk with her about it if she wants to, okay ? »
Payton : « k »
Leïa : « Talia, where's y/n ? »
Talia : « she's sleeping »
Josh : « this kid.. » raising his eyes a little, smiling a bit.
Anyway, they chill until dinner.
Jaden : « well, shall we go eat ? »
Cynthia : « yes, I'm so hungry »
The others go down to the cafeteria and Talia comes to get you.

You go down to join the others. You arrive at the table, there is a little silence, then they start talking again.
You do not talk during the whole meal. And before everyone finishes eating, you ask Talia for the card of her room to move your stuff.
Talia : « wait, I'm coming with you »
You go up to your old room and gather all your things.
Downstairs, the others have finished eating. So the girls go back up to their room.

Leïa : « y/n, what are you doing ? »
You : « ..sorry girls but- » continuing to gather your things.
Maya : « well, she's leaving »
Jade : « Maya. »
Maya : « what ? It's okay, let her go » 🙄
You do not pay attention to her.
Leïa : « y/n, don't leave, it was a cruise between friends in the first place.. »
Jade : « yeah you guys should talk »
You : « I don't- »
Maya : « I don't wanna talk to her »
You : « yeah same »
You : « ...not now anyway »
Maya : « yeah never »
You: « k »
You : « well, gn girls » to Jade and Leïa.
Jade : « gn.. »
Leïa : « uhm... »
You take your things and leave the room with Talia.

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