BTT, School, and Prissy Girl Stalkers (not nessecarily in that order)

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((A/N: If I use any country names while in Arthur's POV, Please slap me and then tell me where so I can fix it! Also, I know I didn't use some of the symptoms of a concussion in the last chapter, but I didn't want to spend too much time on it... Sorry! Also, I apologize for taking so long! My life is pretty insane right now, and I have major writers block!))

Arthur's POV

When we got to my high school the next day, we walked into the front office, so that we could get my classes sorted out, and other administrative issues. Apparently, Liz was also a security guard at the school, and she had a few contacts, so I was allowed to choose any subjects. I decided on Algebra 1, Advanced World History(Liz insisted), Regular Biology, Advanced English, and Schizophrenzia I (it's apparently an elective, and Al thought it was a good idea.) Al showed me to my homeroom, English, and then made his way to his own class. I walked up to the teacher and politely introduced myself.

"Good morning. My name is Arthur Kirkland. I am a new student." I said.

She looked up, smiling at me. "Yes, the office just called me to let me know. I am Ms.Braginskaya, but you may call my Ms.Bragin. Find an open seat and sit down." "Bragin' about dem boobs!" Somebody snickered, sending the class into fits of obnoxious laughter.I stared at her breasts for a second, which were so big, they bounced as she talked and moved. I shrugged and walked to the only open chair, and sat. The announcements droned, and the class mumbled the American Pledge of Allegiance. I just stood there, but nobody seemed to care. I glanced at a paper which was passed to me. "It is customary for all of my new students to fill this out so I may get to know them better." She explained. Name:_____________ Date of Birth:_____ Age: _____ The list went on and on. I filled it out and she talked for a while, as I stared out the window, sighing. 

The day went on, and, although I was alone at lunch, I was still able to talk to some of my friends. Hallucinations, others called them, but I knew different. Tinkerbell and Captain Hook and Flying Mint Bunny were real. They had first appeared to me during my concussed state, and I had thought it might be a side affect, but when they didn't go away, I realized they were real.

Suddenly, I heard loud giggles. A group of girls was off to my right, laughing nervously and staring at me. Three girls came over. "Hey! What's your name?" One of them, with long brown hair tied with ribbons, asked. She was obviously the leader.

"Arthur. You?" I responded, attempting to smile at her, despite the sickening sent of her perfume.

"I'm Michelle! So, where are you from? You're obviously not American!" 

"I'm English, but you obviously aren't either."

"No, no, I'm from Seychelles." 

I nodded and went back to my lunch. 

"So when's our first date?" She asked casually.

I did a spit-take, spraying my homemade scone in various directions. "WHAT?!" I exclaimed questioningly.

He eyes brimmed with tears. "Y-you don't want to go out with me?" She half-pleaded.

"I-it's not that, I just- I barely know you. And you took me by suprise." I  amended, flustered.

"Please go out with me?" She begged, her eyes similar to a starving puppy outside a butchers' shop.

I scowled, relenting. "Fine. Where and when do you want to-" 

I was cut off with her lips being pressed against mine. I almost slapped her, before I remembered we were now "a couple." I kissed back hesitantly, and then broke it off. "Friday at the movies?" I asked.

"Definately!" she squealed, as the bell rang.

The rest of the day passed without event, until the end of my last class. Suddenly I saw a sparkle across the room and looked up, straight into a pair of gorgeous blue eyes. He had long, golden locks, and- WHAT THE HELLLLLLLLLL????????????? What was I thinking?! The other boy winked at me. I just looked down at my paper, blushing lightly. The class went by in a whirr, and the bell rang for dismissal.

I shoved my things into my school bag and headed out the door to my next class. as I was passing the boys' lavatories, I felt a sudden shift in the movement of the hallways. I was thrust sideways into them, and I looked around for the person who had pushed me. I saw the boy from earlier looking at me from above, with two other boys standing behind him. "So, you're a fag, huh?" He said, looking at me with prejudice. "Yes, that's right, I saw you mind-raping me." 

I stared at him, astonished. I hadn't thought about it in the small amount of time I could remember, but I realized that I didn't really find girls attractive. In fact... I was gay.... I looked him straight in the face and questioned, "So what if I am? I really don't see how that's relevant." He smirked, saying "I guess I'll have to show you the general attitude towards gays in this school." The boy suddenly dragged me by my hair into the boys bathroom, and shoved me to the floor. One of his companions kicked the door shut, closing us inside. I backed against the far wall, but the two 'sidekicks' pinned my arms painfully to the sides against the wall, the large mirror behind me cold against my back. I struggled to get out of their grasp, and was about to yell for help, before a foot smashed into my stomach, making me keel over in pain and shock, the air gone from my lungs. A fist collided with my face, and I felt my nose break. I fell limp in the powerful arms, my head snapping horribly to one side. I yelped, my breath returning only slightly, as fists pummeled my torso, a ring of black clouding my vision. I struggled to stay conscious; to fight, but the pain was winning. The two bastards holding me dragged me upright, but I sagged in their grip, struggling to support my own weight. I cracked open my eyes to look at the golden-haired boy, my lips slightly open, blood from my nose seeping into my mouth. He grinned insanely at my pained expression, and walked closer, knowing I couldn't do anything to stop him. "Help." I croaked out, my vision blurry and darkening by the second. 

Suddenly, my eyes snapped open at the agony in my lower regions. The jerk had kicked me there, hard. I fell to the ground, my arms slipping out of the firm grasp, holding myself protectively and groaning loudly from the agony. I heard a bang and a scuffle, but I had my eyes squeezed tightly shut,  trying not to faint from the pain. 

I felt a much more gentle hand brush my shoulder, signaling for me to look up. I did with difficulty and heard a small gasp from the other kid. He was a bit shorter than me, but better built and fiercer, his expression unreadable. His hair was blacker than a clouded midnight sky, his eyes a chocolaty brown. My eyes watered with pain, and for a few seconds we just stared at each other. He did a visual sweep of my injuries, and seemed to make a decision. "Can you walk?" He inquired. I moaned in response, gripping the sink and trying to pull myself up. He stopped me, taking my hands and pulling me to my feet. I let out a yell of pain and fell against him, almost slipping back to the ground. He caught me with his strong arms and kept me upright, a slight blush entering his face. We took a step, intending to go to the nurse's office, but I couldn't take it. As a result of all of the injuries overwhelming my body, my brain decided to make things simple, for me at least, and go into stand by for a while. My vision went black, and the world faded away, taking my consciousness with it. 

((LO SIENTO FOR TAKING SO FREAKING LONG! I WAS BUSY WITH SCHOOL AND OTHER STORIES AND RANDOM CRAP! I'LL TRY TO UPDATE FASTER! The picture has pretty much nothing to do with the story, other than the fact it's Antonio... BUT IT'S SO CUTE~! Also, if anyone has ideas for stuff you want to happen in the school/in their lives, I'm open to suggestions. Just please nothing about Iggy's love life... I already have it figured out. ANYWAYS, COMMENTS ARE PART OF MY MOTIVATION! I WANNA KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK!!!!!!! DANKE FOR READING!))

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