Bloody Murder

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 ((Warning: some mental cursing on Alfred's behalf and HETAONI SPOILERS! SORRY!!! holy shiz... this was a longggg chapter... I BLAME HETAONI!))

Omniscient POV

The boy who had rescued Arthur caught him to prevent him from falling. He transferred him to an easier position, carrying him bridal-style down the stairs to the nurse's office. The second she saw the injured boy, the young woman rushed over, taking him from his rescuer and placing him onto the bed. She called the front office, telling the boy that he should wait, as they would want to ask some questions. Three official-looking people came in, and one went over to examine Arthur with the nurse as the other two took the patient Asian boy to come to the front office so they could talk without distraction. He complied, following them to the principal’s office. The tall, intimidating man looked at him once he and the other two adults had seated themselves in the appropriate seats. "Tell us exactly what happened." He demanded.

"Certainly. I was walking towards the boys bathroom in the main hallway on the second floor. As I approached, I heard shouts and moans from within. I noticed the door was closed, so I swung it open, and that boy was being beaten up by three other boys. Should I use names?" He questioned, looking inquisitively at the principal. He nodded, and gestured for the young man to continue. "Well, it was Francis Bonnefoy, Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, and Gilbert Beilschmidt. Antonio and Gilbert were holding this boy and Francis was beating him up. I felt I should do something, so I pulled them away, and made sure it wouldn't happen again, and then when I tried to help him down the stairs, he collapsed, so I picked him up and brought him down. The rest you know. I don't know his name though. He wasn't really in a fit state to tell me." The teen told them, his face lacking in emotion, almost to the point of inhumanity. "And you are?" The principal asked, looking at him curiously. "Kiku Honda. Senior." Kiku muttered. A shred of surprise flickered on each adult's face on account of his slight stature, but he ignored it. "We will need you to tell the hospital and the police exactly what happened. Come back after school. We will inform your parents." he was told. He recognized it as a dismissal and stood up to leave, as the principal handed him a pass. Kiku walked to his next class, as the bell had sounded long ago. 

~~~le time skip brought to you by annoying blizzards that steal innocent children’s power and prevent them from accessing Wattpad!~~~

After school, Kiku walked back to the front office as he was told, confident that his family had been notified. He was met by the vice principal and two police men, who escorted him to a shiny police car. He was ordered into the back, and he did so hesitantly, the vice principal getting in beside him.  "Mr. Honda?" One of the officers said, "We have Francis Bonnefoy, Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, and Gilbert Beilschmidt already at the station, and Arthur Kirkland is on his way from the hospital. Is there anyone else who was involved?" Kiku thought back, and responded, "No, it was just them and me." They pulled into the parking lot and got out, trudging through the crisp November air to the warmth of the building. Kiku walked into the room to which he was directed and sat in a chair, uncomfortable at the sight of three glares all directed at him. The boys he had testified against sat in chairs on the other side of the room. They were not hand cuffed, but were watched by a very strict looking female officer. Arthur soon arrived in a wheel chair, pushed by a Liz, several bandages around his body, along with a broken arm.

They were each questioned, and at the end, the officers and the school principal decided on fitting punishments. "Mr.Bonnefoy, Mr.Fernandez Carriedo and Mr.Beilschmidt, you have each earned a referral and a month's out-of-school suspension. Mr.Honda, as you were also fighting, regardless of your intensions, you have earned a week's in-school suspension, and Mr.Kirkland, you will recieve no punishment, as we can see from the security cameras that you did not fight back." The officer informed them, recieving several exclamations of outrage. "I would have fought back if I could" Arthur muttered.  "You three are lucky not to have been expelled." The officer told the attackers. 

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