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  • Věnováno Arthur Kirkland

*At Britain's House*

"What? How could they do this? I need you!" Cried Falkland.

"I-I'll be fine. I d-don't need you." Sealand attempted to be brave.

"I'm sorry you two, but the other countries don't seem to appreciate my culture. They say my food has gotten poisonous and basically that I've gone senile. I told them that Tink and Cptain Hook and Flying Mint Bunny are real, but they just won't believe me." Britain apologized.

"Hey Britain-Dude, I'm sorry man. I know this is hard for you. If it helps, I didn't vote for your expulsion." America consoled.

"Mon ami, I wish we could have been friends. Or maybe a little more..." proposed France.

"Thanks you guys, but France no. Friends maybe, but.... no, just no." Britain acknowledged.

"But Britain," Falkland wanted to know, " what will happen to Flying Mint Bunny, Tink, and Captain Hook?"

"I don't know. I mean they're a part of my country self, so they'll be lonely unless..." Britain said.

"You want us to look after them, right? Sure we will! We'll take turns!" America stated happily."

*next morning*

Aack someone is banging on that door loud enough to wake the depths of hell. It's probably Germany come to bring me to my execution. Oops, sorry. I meant expulsion.

"Mr.England, Mr.England!" A loud voice, though definitely not Germany's commanded my attention.

I opened my window and shouted "WHAT?" Then I realized who it was. "Oh Japan, I'm so sorry. I thought you might be someone else. Come in." I told him.

"Oh Mr.England, I'm so glad I found you here!" Said Japan.

"Well, this is my house, so you should always be able to find me here at 6:00 in the morning." I told him, somewhat sarcastically, "or at least until my expulsion."

"I don't know what I'll do without you, Mr.England!" Japan cried, "Mr. Russia will probably take over like he tried to do before!"

"Go to China. He owes me a favor or two." Britain instructed, "Soon he will be the most powerful country in the world, with all the soldiers he has. Also, he is Russia's ally, so Russia probably won't try anything. Just promise me you'll be careful, OK?"

"Britain?" Sealand and Falkland asked.

"Hey, you two! You're already up?" Britain giggled. "Look after them," He told Japan, more seriously.

"I will." Japan promised.

"We're coming with you." They proclaimed."

"No." Britain refused.

"Yes," Japan insisted, "they should be allowed to come."

"Alright, I'll go get dressed and then we can go." Britain conceded.

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