Chapter 1: How the Mess Began

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"Are you sure you're ready, Marceline?" Your mother asked, concerned.

"For the last time, mum, I'm ready. Most demons head out on their first mission at 14, and I'm already 18," you tried to make your mother, less paranoid.

"I know Marci, it's just that you're my only heir, and after what happened to your father on a mission, I can't help, but be concerned,"

"I'll be fine, mum, remember, we can still communicate through the pendant,"

Suddenly, a guard burst through the doors and said: "Your Majesties, the summoner is waiting."

"Well, looks like this is it," you say, hugging your mother.

"Stay safe, and remember what they taught you in demon private school!"

You simile at your mother before turning around and leaving.


You hadn't heard much about this Queen Tiabeanie. You heard that she loved drinking and adventure, had light hair, freckles, and buck teeth. You had also heard about her friends. Luci, the demon, who gave up his immortality for his friends, died and went to Heaven. And Elfo, the elf, who left Elfwood, died, went to Heaven, then to Hell, and got back to life. Wow, that girl sure knows how to pick friends. Another thing you knew was that today is the Queen's 18th birthday. You are supposed to be her present.

You went up the stairs for ages. You, of course, were in your vampire form, because it's easier to fly that way. Geez, should have had a bit of alcohol before this, wouldn't be so sad, you think to yourself. Wow, demons aren't supposed to feel remorseful about leaving their families and ruining lives, can't even do that right.

All your life, you have been adventurous, fearless, but for some reason, you felt afraid. You had never been outside of Hell, and everything's going to be different. Ugh! I hate how long these stairs are, makes me think about emotions.

After a while, you reach the top. You transform into a demon. The large door opens, and you walk through it, not looking back.

''Why hello there,'' a woman with light hair and revealing clothes greets you, ''you must be the demon I summoned. Took you longer than expected.''

''Yeah, sorry about the mishap, some moron broke the elevator,'' you said to the woman, ''by the way, where are you from? Can't place the accent.''

''I don't see why I should tell you that, anyways, my daughter's birthday is not until tomorrow,'' the woman, who you find kind of attractive, says, ''trøgs, bring this demon to an unclaimed bedroom.''

You had heard of trøgs before, since you went to a private school in Hell, you learnt about a lot of strange creatures. The little creatures started leading you somewhere, and you followed them.

They took you through the cave and into a small bedroom.

''This is where you will stay,'' said one of the trøgs, before leaving the room.

You spent a few minutes in your vampire form, looking around the room. ''This is so boring,'' you say to yourself. Right after you said that you hear a knock at the door. You quickly transform into a demon.

''Come in!''

A trøg girl walks inside and says: ''Hello, I heard you were here to corrupt Bean, I wanted to give you this,'' the girl gives you an envelope with Elfo's name on it, ''give it to my boyfriend, Elfo.''

''First of all, I don't even know you, why should I help you? And what's even inside of it?'' you eye the envelope suspiciously.

''The name's Trixy, and the envelope contains a picture of me naked,'' Trixy says with a smile.

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