Chapter 2: Princess and the demon

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You had made it into the castle. While you were sitting in the little wooden box, you had time to think about last night. You only remember the drunken kiss and dancing. But what happened after that? You hope that Bean will come to look at her presents early.

And your wish came true. After about half an hour, you heard the voice, of a woman and a high pitched voice of a man. You hear footsteps coming your way. ''This is it,'' you think. Then, you start moving around in the box.

''Bean, look,'' exclaimed the higher voice, ''a moving present!''

''Huh?'' Bean carefully examined the small box. She heard whispers and a voice saying: ''Do it! Open the box!'' This made her sad because it reminded her of their departed friend Luci. Bean wasn't stupid, but she was curious. She grabbed the present and untied the red ribbon. Suddenly, the candles blew out, themselves, and the wind became faster, the room became cold and dark. ''Queen Tiabeanie, you have been cursed from the deepest levels of Hell!'' You fly out of the box and jump in front of Bean and Elfo. Bean gasps and tries to find something to hit you with, before remembering, that demons are immortal. Elfo just stood there with wide eyes.

''A demon,'' Bean whispers, ''who are you and what are you doing here?'' She found a broomstick in a corner and was now using it as a weapon. You enjoyed the fear and confusion on her face.

''I'm Marceline,'' you greet with a little bow, ''I'm your new and improved personal demon.''

''Why are you here?'' Bean pointed the broomstick to your chest.

''As I said, I'm your personal demon, I'm here to ruin your life,'' you smirk at her, making her angrier.

''I already have a personal demon,'' she says, looking down with a hint of sadness on her face.

''Ah, Luci,'' you make them both jump a bit by saying that idiot's name. ''Don't say his name, you bitch!'' She wasn't mad anymore. She was pissed! Her facial expression makes you giggle a bit.

''Calm down, princess,'' you laugh, ''you were supposed to be on the dark side by now. Luci just couldn't get the job done.''

''And you think you can?''

''I don't think I can,'' you put on the smuggest smile possible, ''I know I can.''

''Wait,'' Elfo spoke, ''who gave you to Bean?''

''I'm not allowed to say. By the way, somebody asked me to give this to you,'' you wanted to see Elfo's reaction so bad. He carefully opened the envelope, and his look was priceless.

''How the hell did you get this?'' his little, green head looked like it was about to explode. Bean looked at the drawing and immediately tore it to pieces.

''Wait, if you met Trixy, you were down at the caves,'' Bean gasped, ''my mom summoned you!''

''But I thought the trøgs hated her, and she used the crown to disappear,'' Elfo looked at you in confusion.

''Well, she must have gotten to them somehow, because last time I was there, they were still her little servants,'' you light up a cigarette and start smoking. This is too entertaining.

''You're working for my mom! I can't believe it!'' Bean exclaims.

''Like it was a big secret,'' you roll your eyes, ''who else would give you a demon for your 18th birthday?'' Bean thinks for a bit.

''Still, you work for my mother, so I can't trust you,'' Bean turns her head away, ''and for your information, I'm not a princess, I'm a queen, so why shouldn't I just banish you or give you to Sorcerio for his dumb stience experiments?''

''Because you can't,'' Bean and Elfo share a look and turn their heads back at you, ''you see, when a person is cursed with a demon, their and the demon's souls are bound together, so if you hurt me, I can hurt you with my demon powers, without even laying a finger on you,'' Bean is shocked.

''So we are bound for life?'' Bean looks at the ground.

''Well, the person who cursed you has to sign a contract, before getting a demon. This contract says, that after the demon's job is done, only they can break the curse and untie the souls, of the demon and cursed person. After untying the souls, they have to give the demon something that they want,'' you explain to them.

''So, the only person that can untie us is my mother?'' Bean asks.

''Yes, but if the demon does not want to be tied with the victim or the curser anymore, they can travel to Hell, go in the book of contracts, and destroy the contract,'' you say.

''So it's that easy?''Elfo asks.

You laugh: ''No, it's very hard, only a few demons have done it, you need to have the victim with you, and outsiders are banned from Hell, both of you need to be willing, and I'm not.''

''Why not?'' Bean asks.

''Because it's my first ever mission and I don't want to screw it up, second, I can get whatever I want after I finish my job, and why would I give up something like that?'' Bean and Elfo share a ''fair enough'' look.

''So what, you just live here now?'' Elfo places his hand on his hip and asks.

''I guess,'' you answer, ''don't you guys have a party to prepare for?''

Bean and Elfo start to panic, realizing they're behind on planning. They quickly run away to somewhere.

''Bitches don't know what hit them,'' you laugh mischievously and put the cigarette to your lips.

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