Part 6

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Katie lowers her face, about to kiss Simon. Simon is wiggling and trying to escape.

Simon: LET ME GOOO!!!

Simon yells in fear.

Katie: no-_\~<<?,|#]]{\;:/-:#444!€¥€£*%%############################################################################################################################################################*******%%%%%%%%%:::::::))))):):):)

She is suddenly thrown aside.

The other girls look over to see a yo Kai standing there. It looked like Jibanyan. It stood with his eyes closed.

Simon: oh thank god!

Jibanyan?: yessss... thank me... nYaH~ hehehe hahaha!

His eyes open to show they were a hollow black colour. Katie got up, her knee slightly bleeding.

Katie: Hey! What's the big idea!?

Miya: you know that cat?

Jibanyan: no. She doesn't... none of you truly do...

He began twitching. His body shook and jolts as his body grows, and his fur began to crystallize at the tips.

 His body shook and jolts as his body grows, and his fur began to crystallize at the tips

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Javelzenyan: I. AM. GOD.

He reaches forward, grabbing Simon and holding him up.

Javelzenyan: I would love to make you all suffer, but unfortunately, he has other plans.

Katie: what are you even-

Jibanyan: HUH!?

The cat stood there with all of the other Yo Kai.


Natsume ran up.

Natsume: who said you could put your filthy paws on him...?

Javelzenyan: I do not have time for this bickering.

A green entity appears behind the cat.

A green entity appears behind the cat

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Monic: hey. Kitty. We have places to be!

Javelzenyan: heh. Understood.

He softly places a hand on Simon's head. Suddenly, he twists, spinning his neck in 180°

Javelzenyan: I love that sound.

He pulls the Soul out of his body.

Javelzenyan: see you soon!

He flips a ring with his thumb, turning it into a portal and having him, Monic and the corpse disappear with a satisfying *ding*

The group all stood around. Frozen.


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