part 1

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Simon was walking through the forest, trying to catch bugs, but was clearly faking his misses.

Katie: Can you at least try!?

Simon: I am!

Katie: why must you do this?"

Bear and eddie came up to them.

Eddie: hey lovebirds, got anything?


Simon was embarrassed while Katie nodded.

Katie: Yes we ar-

Simon covers her mouth

Simon: And I have no progress because I don't care , I'll go "look" this way.

He said leaving the others behind. After a minute, simon came to a clearing. There was a hill, on top was one tree with some stone thing at the bottom.

'feed me, feed me!'

simon herd sounds come from all around. After he herd it a few more times he put a coin in the slot and turned. The crank. A small capsule rolled out.

Simon: How did that work?

Simon picked it up and tried twisting.

Simon: Oh I forgot, I'm a gamer

he threw it to the side as it popped open and a light blue swirl came out.

Simon: What the!?

He backed away.

Whisper: What's up my corporeal friend? I am whisper, at your service!

The white blob did a bow.

Simon: I'm sorry, WHAT!?

simon stood up.

Whisper: Congratulations, you have freed me! I shall now be your official Yokai Buttler!

Simon blinked.

Simon:.....I'm still confused!

Time skip--

Simon: Ok, I think I're all ghosts that are invisible to humans, you play pranks and inspirit people. You are visible to me because you're a special kind of yokai?

Simon looked at the floating blob.

Whisper: Yes! And, now that you have freed me, I'll give you this!

Whisper pulled the yokai watch out of hammer space.

Simon: it?

Simon looked at it from a few angles.

Whisper: This yokai watch will allow you to see other yokai. Along with befriending them!

He said doing circles around his head.

Simon: Ok... so am I the only one that can see you?

Simon had a puzzled look.

Whisper: I don't think so, what I do know, is you're the most calm about meeting one of us

Simon: Oh, ok, but...I'm worried about my parents. What will they think?

Simon got a bit worried.

Whisper: Did you not hear me? I said you are the only one able to see me!

Yokai watch harem x simonWhere stories live. Discover now