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The sound of the boisterous door cracked open, Navah was awakened. Terrified at how the woman came into her room, she quickly sit as worries is written on her face.

"Navah, it's late, and you're still fucking sleeping," Tina announced, she is the second in command of her Aunt Jelena. Authoritarian. She stood up quickly because she knows what this woman could do to her. Ill-treatment, she would either beat her up or punish her by starving her to death as her aunt has always done to her ever since she lost her parents at the age of seven. Abusive.

Navah is a sweet, kind, and fragile girl. She has once had a fairytale lifestyle, envied by many. Princess that was dear to her parents. Her parents were somewhat like one of the most important, powerful, and wealthy witches in their coven. They were the leader of their coven. She became an orphan when her parent died in a war between witches and a vampire's conflict, it was one of the most legendary wars of all time in the supernatural world. She was supposed to be the next leader of their coven, a right by blood, but her Aunt Jelena comes to view, she did her best to manipulate the council by saying she is not worthy of the title and that she doesn't deserve to become a leader because she lacks the power to do so, etc. which, in the end, made her a leader instead of Navah.

Years of ill-treatment and abuse were bestowed upon her. In the eyes of many people, she is spoiled, pampered, and well taken care of by how she looks, interacts, and deal with the people but little they did know that behind her beautiful face, extravagance dress and jewelry, and a comfortable mansion that she lives in, she is broken, anxious, and a prisoner of her own. She lost her freedom when she chose to stay with the coven and her Aunt Jelena. She cants barely decide what to do, what to say, or simply how to be on herself, she's like a robot that needs to be controlled by her Aunt Jelena, or else bad consequences will happen to her. She has no one to comfort her except a few people that are loyal to her parents.

After Tina leaves her room, she made her bed, she looks around. Scanning as to start her day. Neat. Her room is big and beautiful despite being ill-treated. Everything is in touch with the white color and plated golden moldings. She has a walking closet and a big bathroom. Some of her favorite books display nicely beside her vanity. Ornament. Despite her situation, she managed to remain in her room, that's one of the things she feels so much blessed about, it's the only decent thing she had despite how she's being treated.

After grabbing some clothes to change, she walks to her bathroom to freshen up and prepare for the day. Normal as it is. She needs to be presentable again since some of the council will visit their house again and as part of the game, she needs to look good, spoiled, and happy like what Jelena always wanted her to look like, pretending crazy rich spoiled brat. Her role is to always act like a princess in a coven whenever the council or someone visits since everyone knows she is the daughter of their former leader, after such pretensions, everything goes back to normal, the slavery.

She would help in the kitchen by cooking or cleaning. She is also tasked to do the laundry and clean the bathrooms together with the other servants. She is never allowed to go outside freely except to tend to the horses. Most of the time whenever she finish her tasks ahead, she would confine herself to reading her books. 

Sometimes whenever Jelena pleases, she would ask her to massage her, she knows she wanted to piss her off. She doesn't know where this hatred coming from, the hate she throws at her has always been unknown to her. Wondered. She can't fight back because she is no match against Jelena, she lacks in her power as a witch. Jelena never let her train for magic, she would always get mad and punish her whenever she caught her practicing or learning witchcraft, that is why she would secretly read up or practice whenever she gets a chance.

She doesn't know when she can leave this horrible life she has, but one thing is for sure, she will find her mate to start a new one.

To be continued...

~Writer's Note:

Okay, okay. Let's see what will happen to Navah as we unfold her journey. How can she have her freedom when her Aunt Jelena controls her?

What do you think about this chapter? I know it's a short one but I will try my best to write more, I am so busy and I am trying to insert this on my schedule. 🥰🤣

Tomorrow is my busy day, I am going to travel for work and I don't know if I can update. 5 hours of travel is boring. I wish I could find my mate too on the way. 🤣🤣🤣

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