Coping... It's Easier Without So Many Problems!!!

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I woke up feeling battered and bruised until I realised that I now had a baby. I had my own baby girl and the tears sprang to my eyes, before I knew it I was sobbing because the flood banks to my emotions were open and they couldn’t be stemmed when I was feeling so weak. “You did well Rose.” I smiled through the tears and turned my head to see Dimka sat there with a huge smile on his face that almost covered up the worrier that was etched into his brow.

“Like a walk in the park.” I smiled and tried to pull myself but the pain that shot through me had me wincing and lowering myself once more only to be lifted up and placed higher up the bed, being propped up by fresh smelling pillows and lots of them. “You washed the sheets and pillows?” He nodded but ran his hands over his face and through his hair. “That bad huh?”

“You died Rose, several times over during the birth because your body could cope with the strain of it. Your heart gave up and then your brain hemorrhaged while the blood vessels in your eyes were bursting-”

“I hate to break this to you but I know, I was there in case you forgot who was the star of that particular horror movie.” My joke didn’t seem to make him feel any better but talking about the pain I went through was only accomplishing me remembering every detail of it, almost as if I were going through it again.

“Don’t start shutting out your emotions Rose, it won’t help you in the long run, trust me on that one.” How had he known and what did he mean he knew what I was going through. There was still a lot I didn’t know about Dimka although I did know that there would be a lot of history to him because he was an assassin who lived life like he was in the eighties, why was that such a significant time for him?

“It’s ironic Dimka. I lose my mother just a week before my baby was born and it breaks my heart thinking of how much she would have loved meeting her granddaughter. It also worries me that I won’t be a good enough mother, like I won’t be able to protect my own child.”

“Of course you will.” He climbed onto the bed and laid down next to me, pulling me into his side so I could lay my head on his chest. “You’ll protect her and if you for some reason can’t then I’ll be there to help you out.”

The tears returned with a force and I was sobbing in no time when reality set in about my unique baby girl. “How can I protect her when she’s going to be taken away from me and I’m never going to see her again? She won’t even know me! All I can think is that I’ve just endured that pain and I won’t even reap the reward of motherhood.” He held me closer as I cried into his chest, soaking through his top but luckily not his jacket as it was slung over the chair he’d just vacated. Why did I have to give up my baby girl when I hadn’t barely spent any time with her.

“You don’t have to give up the baby Rose.” Dimka whispered into my hair and kissed the top of my head.

Looking up, officially confused, I frowned at him. “What do you mean? Was there a mistake?” I asked hopeful but his face told me all I needed to know.

“No but I’d do anything not to see you like this again and if that means running then we’ll run until they grow bored and leave us alone. When Amber is grown their interest in her will no doubt waver so all we have to do is keep away from them until then.” Us, not me and James. “I mean who better to run with than a professional killer hell bent on protecting you and Amber?”

“Where’s James, Dimka?” It was the one question that I didn’t want to have answered but needed the answer anyway.

“I honestly don’t know Rose.” I looked away from him so he couldn’t see the fresh sheet of tears, I was clearly not done crying yet! “All I know is that he promised to be back before you woke up and he’s not.”

Arranged Marriage To An Egotistic Vampire... But Which One?? (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now