Being Tied To A Bed Is Beginning To Get Annoying!

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A hot breath on my neck made me start stirring awake until I realised it wasn’t the hot breath on my neck that I was hoping for. It hadn’t been that for over two weeks now. “Wake up lover, I know you’re awake.” Blaine whispered in my ear and I had to force myself not to roll my eyes. Why would he tell me to wake up if he knew I was already awake? I adjusted my arms and legs again and for the hundredth time cursed the ropes holding me in this stupid uncomfortable bed! 

“Where’s my phone?” I didn’t look at him when I opened my eyes I just turned to look around the room to see if he’d left it on the nightstand or on a drawer somewhere. He gripped my chin and pulled my head towards him so that soon I was looking him directly in the eyes. If I broke his hold then he would realise something was up because of my strength.

“It’s in my trouser pockets if you want to get it.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively and the thought made me shudder. His brown khaki trousers, tight fitting top and good looks made him look like prince charming, when he was actually the evil demon; all you had to do was look into his emotionless eyes to see that there was no humanity there anymore. Why hadn’t I seen that before when Rose so clearly had?

“Why can’t you grasp that I will never want you? Go sleep with all of the werewolf sluts you can get your hands on because I will never sleep with you. I don’t like you, I certainly don’t love you and I can’t even stand to look at you, so either leave me alone and let me go or kill me because anything in between is not going to happen while I have any say in the matter.” I stared into his soulless eyes while saying this so that he could see the truth of my words in my eyes.

He seemed to be scanning my face for eternity before he finally sighed, released my face and got up off of the bed. “I’m really sorry to hear you say that Riley. I guess Rose won’t be able too see you after all when she wakes up next door.” He shrugged and made as if to walk out of the door but he knew he had me with Rose being here, this was now his game and I was to play it right or it would come back to bite Rose on the ass.

“Wait Blaine.” A single tear dripped down my cheek in resignation as I realised I’d probably never see the love of my life again and was given this monster to replace him. I let out a breath I hadn’t realised I’d been holding and blinked several times to clear my vision. “Please don’t leave me. I- I was wrong about us and I’d like to give us a chance,” his eyes lit up in immediate interest as he began slowly moving towards the bed again, I don’t even think he realised he was doing it, all his focus intent on my face. “But how can we have a relationship where I can’t touch you, can’t walk around on your arm to be proud that I’m the one who captured your heart?” By the end of my speech he was only a few feet away from me and he was breathing deeply as if he was trying to contain himself which, judging by his animal counterpart, probably was more accurate then I even wanted to contemplate.

“Of course you’re right and I bet Rose had nothing to do with this sudden swift change of heart?” He laughed and, yet again, crushed his mouth against mine that felt like he was trying to prove something by kissing me hard enough to almost crush my skull. He pulled back as abruptly as he started the kiss and seemed out of breath but what was there to be out of breath about? It was garbage at best! He stroked the side of my face seemingly lost in thought so I coughed slightly which brought him back to the present. Sanity had walked out on him long ago...

“So, who is keeping Rose hostage?” I asked as if I wasn’t concerned when my head was screaming at me to get to her sooner. Was she ok? Was the baby ok?

He chuckled and tapped my cheek. “You make an excellent seductress that’s for sure but I think I’ll leave who has Rose a secret for a while longer because I’m already enjoying the favours I’m getting from knowing something you don’t about that slut.” He practically ran out of the room and I screamed at the top of my lungs in frustration.

“ROSE!” My throat burned as I screamed and screamed until my throat became dry and I started coughing uncontrollably. “Rose.” I whispered in a croak and started to break down. I couldn’t help her and I didn’t even know what some random person was doing to her and what effect it was having on her baby. The stress certainly couldn’t be good for my niece/nephew and god-child... It wasn’t good for me never mind a pregnant woman!


I woke up to the smell of wet dog and gagged at the smell. It was like a dog had gone and rolled around in a swamp before coming into my room and laying down next me on the bed. More senses began kicking in when I finally got past the foul stench and someone screaming in the distance had my eyes shooting open. Was that Riley? “ROSE!” She screamed again and I realised that it was Riley. She was here? Where was here. Last night, well I think it was last night, came flooding back to me and I cringed as I felt my wrists burning as if they had been continually chafed. I glanced up and saw that I was tied to a bed with my hands tied together above my head, because that was comfortable. NOT! Luckily my feet weren’t tied so I could sit up awkwardly, but as I moved my wrist chafed again and my neck clicked right before shooting pain had me wincing. I had been asleep in a funny position and now I had pulled my neck.

Who the hell tied me to a bed?!” I screamed in frustration and started pulling furiously on the ropes in anger; it was only when the bed began to creak under strain from me pulling that I eased up and quickly surveyed the room. No phone and no key to unlock the door, the odds were clearly not in my favour on this one. Just at that moment the door opened and my breath caught in my throat.

“Great to see you again Rose. It’s been a long time.” He smiled at me and the door shut behind him, locking with a definitive click that echoed off of the walls.

My voice came out in a whisper on the back of an outward breath, “Darren...”

Arranged Marriage To An Egotistic Vampire... But Which One?? (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora