The Doorway To The Past... And It's Answers.

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“I’m so stupid that I didn’t see this before! I should have known something was up when I saw that the necklaces of Jezzebella’s that he was meant to have thrown away was dangling around his neck today!” Guilt was eating away at me and I felt like it was slowly suffocating me.

“It’s not your fault Rose.” Because that simple sentence off of my missing child’s father would make me believe that this wasn’t all my fault.

“How could you possibly say this isn’t my fault when I should have cut him out of my life when I met you? When I shouldn’t have doubted your true reasons for leaving me and gotten back with Alexander, married him even! When you came back into my life I should have thrown him out of it because I’ve always been in love with you but that scared me so I guess I was using Alexander as an excuse to not get too attached to you because if you left me again it would destroy me.” And I’d said too much by far but clearly I was a person who got verbal diarrhea when she was nervous.

“I was to blame for that because if I hadn’t have left without saying a word to you about it then you were bound to think I’d done what Alexander had accused me of and slept with you and bailed. I didn’t know that Alexander was planting those seeds of doubt in your mind which led you to marry him. So it’s not fair of me to judge you for doing that or for not kicking him out when me, the apparently unreliable bailer of an ex, walks through the door expecting you to fall in my arms. This whole situation isn’t your fault, but it’s also not Alexander’s either.” I swerved the car at that and almost crashed into another car, instinctively grabbing my, now flat, stomach to protect what’s no longer there.

“Excuse me?” He could not have said what I think he just said because that would mean he was losing his mind. No normal rational being would ever say that the kidnapper was not to blame for the kidnapping!

“Well obviously he’s partially to blame just as much as we are,” I shot him a dark look at that, “well he’s a lot more to blame than us having taken the child but he’s doing it to get back the family that your father took away from him.” I tried to say something to that and realised that I couldn’t; I also wanted to hear where James was going with that. “Your father murdered the man’s soulmate as I’ve just explained but not only did he lose his soulmate he lost his best friend and his baby because your father was spiteful towards him. You see, killing Jezzebella wasn’t your father’s only crime against Alexander because he had always been spiteful towards him. I don’t know why he even turned him if he hated him so much but he did and always seemed to want to punish Alexander for it so he trained him and trained him in everything, especially fighting, which meant that because Alexander was a novice he was getting beaten to ‘human’ death without actually dying several times by several people a day for many years until he finally managed to start fighting them back and even properly killing a few. Your father didn’t let up there though because every time Alexander got settled in a new place to try and find someone he would be sent on a job for him, but then to hear that I was allowed to settle down with our maker’s daughter no less for the rest of my life ate at him to the point where he had to come and see for himself and you know the story from there. The background story however begins to give a slightly less tainted view of it though doesn’t it when you think that he wanted to be with Jezzebella because he had finally found someone he could actually settle down with. Then to find out recently that you had that taken away by the man who caused you all that pain before would try any man’s sanity.”

I couldn’t believe my father had tortured someone like that never mind his own made vampire! How sick was my father?! “The only person he ever loved was my mother.” The realisation was astounding and scary. “He only wanted me to be safe when I was turned into a vampire because it would have killed her to know she would never see me again in another life. She was the one thing keeping him remotely stable and now she’s gone-”

Arranged Marriage To An Egotistic Vampire... But Which One?? (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now