maka's little demon. Blood overflow?

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I'm so so sorry I haven't updated this in MONTHS now. It's called writers block. And it's sucks. But I'm going to try to get this to at least 800 words so it feels like I accomplished something 💧.

'Where am I?'

'Where did Soul go?'

Maka slowly opens her eyes to a black void that had no end nor beginning. It never stopped.
"Greetings Maka."

A voice boomed in the void. The voice snaps their fingers and the room changes to a black and white with a hint of grey ballroom. The walls were blood-shot red.

"Who are you?!" Maka positions herself into a more cautious stance her shoes squeak across the newly waxed floor.

"How are you supposed to fight for you don't have a weapon?" The voice comes into view. A little red demon steps out from the shadows. Wearing a tux and a devilish grin.

'Just like Soul's..'

"Hello Maka. I am a demon created from your own black blood cells circulating through your blood system." The little demon starts grinning and steps back into the shadows of the room.

'They find this amusing?!' Maka's eyes dart around the room studying every crevice.

"What do you want with me?!" Her voice becomes louder. Reaching large volumes.

"I want to rule the world with you. To be even stronger then Demon Swordsmen Crona."



'Huh.? Who's there?'

Maka starts to open her eyes to Soul above her. A expression with worry written all over it, her body covered in sweat.

"What's wrong Soul? Did I miss my turn with making breakfast again?" Maka raises up cocking her head to side to stare at Soul in a confused expression. Soul steps back to give her room.

"Maka you were screaming in your sleep. And why are you staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face or something?" Soul starts to heading towards the door.

"I'm making breakfast and your cleaning up afterwards" Soul gives a smirk to Maka and slams the door behind him.

"HEY!" Maka gets up and sprints after him.

Confused madness. Either it was something new you've never experienced for yourself and have only seen it on someone else so you've never knew how to help them because it never happened to you. Offering advice that you had just pulled out of your ass maybe to comfort them. Compared to your own self so you never knew that how they felt when it was happening to them.

Make stops in front of a mirror. Expecting some big change after that weird 'dream' but there was no change, she was in the same clothes she was in the night before. Her hair didn't change. Nor did any of her facial features. So she continued, confused as she could be.

'I wonder if this is how Soul felt, when he first got told he has black blood in him due to Crona.' Her clothes felt too tight they felt itchy. Making her feel uncomfortable in her own skin.

"Maka are you alright? Your not normally quiet when your suck to cleaning the dishes. Like at all." Soul in her apron with a pink bow on the front and ruffles at the bottom looks back at Maka, he reminds her of a househusband. Yet Soul is more of the chaotic, selfless, most of the time burns down the kitchen househusband. He was definitely a better cook than Maka was. She tried and failed every single time.

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