Drunken Love Confessions.

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Maybe it was the way Maka smiled when Soul said something stupid. Or the occasional times that he complimented her. Knowing he had so much more to say but he kept his mouth shut. What he wanted to say being poured into a glass in his heart. The glass becoming more full by the day.

Maybe it was the way that now they were 18 together having spent 7 years together as partners when he craved so much more than that. He wanted to hold her close, touch, love, and kiss her worries away. When her tears spilled from her eyes from the times that she was overthinking. He knew his place as weapon to his meister. A line he couldn't cross. As would a small child would say "step on the crack break your momma's back!" Their smile being pure and full of a teeth. Them not being ashamed on they looked and how theirs may be different from other people's. Soul knew if he stepped on the crack he would break the friendship they had worked on for years. It being built from the ground up since they were children.

Maybe it was the way now he watched Maka through the open bathroom put on a lipstick that was a crimson red color. A color that almost matched his eyes he thought. Purposely or not. Saying how when she first put on lipstick for the first time it looked like a lipstick on a pig. But to Soul she was never that. She was so much more. A goddess sculpted just for him.

She wore a skin tight black dress that was simple but so Maka. Wearing a pair of black high top converse in her words "you won't see me in a pair of those uncomfortable heels Soul." After she cursed the blisters blooming on the back of her ankles from the heels she wore to Kidd's birthday party all those years ago.

Soul felt underdressed now. Watching the sun it's self doll herself up with make up and jewelry he thought he would never see her wear. Having abandoned her pigtails to straightening her hair until she felt it was perfect. Her hair long across her back. He wore black baggy jeans and an oversized red tee that complemented his red eyes and white hair well. Him wearing a pair of matching black high top converse that they had bought each other for Christmas accidentally. It was a memory that warmed Soul's heart. Adding onto his racing heart anytime Maka was around. Making him feel too hot and nervous. Feeling as if nothing he said came out right. It didn't fit into the narrative of their conversation he had in his head. It was a nerve racking experience.

"Soul?" Maka said coming out of the bathroom. Her turning off the light as she shut the door.

"Yea?" She took him away from his thoughts. She took him away from a lot of things actually. She captivated him in her laugh, the way she talked, her smile, her enthusiasm for the things she was into, and just by her existence. He couldn't take his eyes off of her afraid he would miss something. Something important or something that seemed little to other people but it meant the world to him.

"Are you ready?" Maka asked him walking forward until she was in front of him. Even if she wore heels she wouldn't be taller than him. Soul enjoyed that fact.

"Yea was just waiting on you." Soul couldn't help but smile when he talked to her.

"Meow! You look beautiful Maka." Blair in cat form appeared from what felt out of thin air. Her oversized witch hat mostly hiding her eyes.

"Thank you Blair." Maka smiled. A genuine smile that reached her eyes that made Soul swoon.

She started waking to the door her hips swaying with her movements. Soul couldn't help but watch her. That's all he did do after all.

"You coming Soul?" She turned to him waiting for him when she reached their front door.

"Yea." He tried to act cool. Calm and collected. But Maka made him more scrabbled than he ever was. The only one that made him feel that way.

He grabbed his motorcycle keys and they rod off into the night to a house party down the road.


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