haunted house! Maka and Soul loose their friends in a haunted house.

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Halloween Special!

I'm sorry this is so late more like a day late but still I wrote most of it last night but lost motivation that's it. Enjoy!


"Black★Star why did you make us do this?" Maka hides behind Soul who had temporarily taken lead. Black★Star who feels outshined runs back up to the head of the group still scared shitless.

"Oh Black★Star.." Tsubaki mumbles under her breath.

"This place is so unsymmetrical" Kid groans putting both of his hands on his shoulders himself starting to shake with his own fear. Liz behind him terrified. Patty was infront of the two skipping away happily. The scarest thing in here was being her. Being the fearless leader in all. She thrived on the feeling of the unknown. Then they heard a sound coming from a far corner.

"What was that." Liz starts to cower scared that it may be a ghost.

"Liz, all of it's fake and all it is, is scare actors. This is their job." Tsubaki ensures Liz. Her tone soft and comforting.

"They get a kick out of it to!" Black★Star interups yelling to the two girls in the back of the group. They didn't even know he was listening on.

"That's right it's all for the fun of it." Soul joins the conversation when he had been quiet looking around at all the decorations. From the long outstretched hallway to the ancient paintings on the walls of generations of family members that ruled the house.

"Yea sure." Maka still looking around wondering who's house they were in now. Since the scenery had changed as they leave and enter new rooms.

"Is this someone's actual house or is it just a prop? That may of came from an abandoned home. " Maka hadn't realized she had gone on ahead of the group to look at photos on the wall. The last name, Higginbottom below the large picture frames.

"Maka wait!" Soul calls after her basically chasing her.

"What is it Soul?" Maka turns to Soul who had just caught up to her.

"You went ahead of the group so I came after you, and the group is still back there... Where do they go?" Soul looks around trying to find Black★Star's very noticeable hair. It's unforgettable. He's no where in site, and so is the rest of the group.

Where did they go?

"I don't know but look at this photo on the wall. Isn't that the family the news said got killed in this house?" Maka points up towards the photo that caught her eye.

"Yea it is. Is this their house?" Soul now terrified but interested.

"I don't know about that either. But more importantly we have to find our friends." Maka not scared takes Soul's hand and starts walking.

"Why are we in this mess again?" Soul complains. Maka knowing he agreed to this when Black★Star suggested just sighs and keeps walking.

"You agreed to this Soul. Like a week ago I even asked if you still wanted to go yesterday." Maka keeps looking around noticing the scent of blood in the air.

"Do you smell that Soul?" Maka wondering if Soul had taken notice to it like she has.

"Yea, the scent of human blood." Soul looking around now as well noticing somethings are stained with blood.

"How long ago was the killing of this family again?" Soul trying to piece together this whole mess.

"A month ago. This 'haunted house' was opened a day after." Maka looks down at her feet the feeling of being in a house where a family was killed in all in one night with no trace of the murderer terrifies her.

"This doesn't feel like a kishin's doing. Nor does it smell like it." Soul already tired of the smell, and tired of the whole thing.

"You have a point. Who in their sick mind would open a 'haunted house' when a family had been killed in it a day before hand." Maka now frustrated at the thought of who was behind the murder.

"Maka look out!" A knife passes by her head. Her and Soul runs, now hiding under a table.

"That wasn't supposed to be in a haunted house. A haunted corn maze maybe but they wouldn't hurt anyone intentionally." Maka was heavy breathing she didn't even hear them throw that nor did she hear any foot steps.

"Maka do you remember when we walked in and we heard a sound? That sounded like a scream?" Soul whispers pulling Maka close to him.

"Yea I do, why?" Maka joining him whispering watching as an pair of bloody boots pass by them. 

"I think the people here killed someone." Soul looks around trying to see if he can sense anyone else coming.

There was... now they were just above them starring down at Maka and Soul...


"Does anyone know where Maka and Soul went?" Crona mumbles, looking around trying to see a trace of Soul or Maka. Some even forgot he had tagged along. Maka's influences of course.

"I have no clue actually." Patty hadn't really paided attention to the decor of the house she was more focused on the song that was playing in her head. A loud thud sounds around the large room. The group being the only one's in the group.

"Do you guys hear foot steps..?" Kid looks around ahead trying to make out the figure ahead of them.

"It looks like a normal human.. yet they have a white cat mask on that is stained with blood. Human blood.." Kid makes out the figure wondering what was their motive.

"What do you want with us?!" Tsubaki spats out, Kid and her both having the same train of thought.

"Why don't we hide?" Liz still hiding behind Kid her voice shaking the more she speaks, her voice barely audible.

"Your such a coward Liz!" Black★Star complains.

"I-I am not!" Liz stutters whatever else she said wasn't heard.

"Tsubaki ninja sword mode!" Black★Star gets into a fighting stance Kid joining him. Ragnarok transforms into his normal sword form.

"Ragnarok. Scream residence." Crona says putting his sword to his side. Since it was a normal human the cat mask man dropped dead to the floor. Is it over?

"Is it over.?" Black★Star starts to say already knowing the answer. They have to find Soul and Maka. It's their main priority.

-Currently with Soul and Maka-

They were currently being chased by a different white cat mask man. Except his mask wasn't stained with blood. They duck down halls over and over again.

"Maka why are we running.? You can transform me into a scythe, we can kill him and be over with it!" Soul criticized Maka's decision to run.

"It's still a human Soul. I won't kill a human." Maka's voice shakes wondering if her choice is right.

"Why can't you kill him! He's killed innocent human beings Maka!!" Soul's words hangs heavy in the air or an rock that has sunk to the bottom of the lake to never to be heard of or seen again.

"Soul!" Maka yells. Soul grins knowing that he has finally got to her. As soon as you blink it's over.

The masked man was cut in half by Maka's scythe. Soul goes back to human.

"Soul let's go home." Maka takes Soul's hand making their way around the halls.

"Maka! Soul!" Black★Star and Kid sprints towards Soul and Maka.

"Maka.." Crona says under his breath. He starts to smile knowing his friend is ok. As said they went home knowing to never go back there again.

Yet who was behind this.?

𝗦𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝘅 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗮 𝗢𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁(𝘀)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora