illness! Maka's perfecr madness?

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"Maka!" Her heart rates drops to zero. Kid, Black★Star, Liz, Patty, Tsubaki, and of course Soul, they have stopped breathing to try to sync up to Maka's who's have stopped.


Why you may ask, how did this happen? Why or how did this happen? Let me take you to the very beginning, let's go back to when Maka first started feeling ill.


"Medusa." Maka mumbles, her arm now covered in black blood.

"Your the one who did this didn't you!" Maka yelled, her voice reaching loud volumes in the empty church. A place Maka had been before. The time where she fought Crona for the first time and Soul had to get patched up like Frankenstein all because of her. The familiarity of the room made a shiver roll up her spine.

"Calm down Maka, you need to stay still. Or your going to bleed to death." Soul had Maka resting in his lap. Crona was behind him, terrified.

"Oh Makaaaa~. Why won't you come with me. I'll make you the perfect madness." Medusa teased. Her snake like tongue leaving her mouth making a hiss sound.


What was so special about the 'perfect madness' anyway? It drives the mind insane, the person who has been ill/ affected with this madness no longer feels pain, they sound it out. Perfect madness can be a beautiful yet painful thing, literally but mentally as well. If this perfect madness existed in our time, in our world. Would we survive? Better yet, would it be the thing that you know is toxic for you yet you still take it anyway? A drug of some sort. Would you crave that high you originally got and miss it when you're sober. The drug singing your name as a siren would to lure their prey into the sea. Them not knowing that it'll cost them their life. I'll leave you to think about that.


"What makes you think she'll go with you!" Crona looks at their mother, tears staining his eyes. They have a red hue to them now.

"Crona! Why are you over with them. I gave birth to you! I am your mother." Medusa's nerves have skyrocketed. Her plan has failed miserably. 

"I wish you weren't my mother." Crona's voice shakes knowing if he go with Medusa he'll either be beaten to death or back into that dark room he have became so accustom to.

'How did this happen again? What started this? I barely feel Maka's breath now, I can't hear her heart beat either. All I hear is mine. My heart is racing. Was the black blood the cause of this?' Soul's mind starts to race. Either from his own adrenaline racing or from the pain fueling his veins.

"Medusa! Did you put black blood in her?!" Soul cried out, his voice shaking ever so slightly. To not show her fear. She'll use it to her advantage and manipulate everyone involved like puppets.

"No Soul, you did." Medusa disappears.

This was when Black★Star, Tsubaki (in weapon form), Kid, Liz, and Patty (both also in weapon form) showed up.

"What happened Soul, Crona?!" Black★Star had just taken notice to half dead Maka.

"Medusa shot an arrow through her stomach." Soul puts light pressure on her abdomen trying to stop the bleeding from Maka's stomach.

"We have to get help quickly, I'll call my father." Kid presses on his earring that is now dialing Death's number. (I just made that up I'm sorry I forgot how he called his father 😭).

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