Chapter Eight

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Three hours until Operation American Apparel is a go. Yeah, I made a code name. No, I didn't tell RS, better known as Random Stranger. I only need a few things.

Lighter Fluid

Wood for burning (Obviously). Sticks so I don't have to touch his nasty underwear when I put them in the fire. Or torch them. Whatever pleases me. But I do have one more item on my agenda. Put the underwear in a bag to transport them. I go to the bathroom closet for supplies:

Latex Gloves
Shower Cap

I go to my bathroom, so I could put them all on, singing Eye of the Tiger and Final Countdown in my head as I went.
"It's go time." I say to my reflection of my mirror in the bathroom. (I know, I'm a sucker for cliché battle/action scenes, sue me).
My bedroom is my battlefield. My gloves, my weapons.
I grab the bag off the bathroom countertop and head out to war. I just hope Mom doesn't come home early to see me in my "Armor ".
As I March to my room, I repeat the plan of action in my head over and over.
Step One: Get inside the bedroom.
Step Two: Locate the enemy.
Step Three: Contain it.

Step One is a success.
Step Two? Easy.
Step Three, well. It's a nightmare.
I don't want to touch them. Are they even clean? I'm not usually squeamish, but still. Gross.
I decide to just suck it up and go for it.

* * *

Thirty minutes later, I'm at the store getting supplies for the fire. I might look a little suspicious for a teenage girl to be buying enough supplies to be addressed as an arsonist, but that is a very respectable title in my opinion. I'm just kidding, setting houses on fire is bad. Don't set people's houses on fire.
Once I get the lighter fluid and stuff, I text RS and tell him/her the news.

Me: got all the supplies. i look like an arsonist

Now for some food.
* * *
Ashton's POV

Unknown Number: got all the supplies. i look like an arsonist

I don't know why, but this makes me laugh. But it also reminds me that I only have a few hours until I need to leave.
A smile crept on my face as I realized what I was going to do. I grabbed my keys and headed to the grocery store.
* * *
"Big marshmallows, or really big marshmallows?" I ask myself in the middle of the aisle. In my basket, I already have graham crackers, those pokey stick things for putting marshmallows on, and chocolate bars.

I decide to text my friend Luke for his opinion.

Me: which r better, big marshmallows or RLLY big marshmallows

Dr. Luke: the bigger the better

Dr. Luke: y?

Me: thank u and jw
I put my phone back in my pocket and grab the biggest marshmallows. That's what I was think too, really big marshmallows, and why the heck I though smores would be a good thing to make in an apartment parking lot. While burning someone's underwear. Whatever.
* * *
Max'a POV
Only 10 minutes to go. I don't know why, but my hands are shaking. My spontaneousness has caught up with me, and I am having second thoughts. What if this person is a pedophile? Who's to say they its not an undercover agent working for some foreign nation's terrorist group. Or maybe it's like, my mom, trying to prank me. RS never responded to my last text, but it said they saw it. But I'm not backing down now.
I grab the bags of wood and other goodies and walk out of my bedroom, out of my apartment, and into the hall.

* * *
Ashton's POV
"Really?!! You can't merge there idiot!!" I curse at the driver in front of me. She must have been texting and driving, because she didn't even realize she almost caused a car crash. Her actions caused a major traffic jam for the whole intersection. I just hope I'm not late.
The clock in my car tells me I have 3 minutes.
Come on.
* * *
Max's POV
Everything is set up. I glance at my phone. Well, it's time. Where is RS? She/he can't be late. I have pizza to eat. Netflix to watch. I want to get rid of this memory once and for all.
Seven minutes later (not that I'm counting), a blue car pulls up to the curb. My "bonfire" like circle of wood is near it, and he (it was a he(!)) nearly hits it. He takes a parking spot two spots away and opens the door. He grabs some paper grocery bags with what looks like bags of marshmallows overflowing inside. When he finally gets out of the car, my pulse quickens and my jaw drops.
"I got some ingredients for smores in case-
He drops the bags and stops talking immediately after he sees me.
Our eyes lock before we both muster in unison.
Holy balls, that took forever to type! My back may never be the same, but it's up! How did u like it? Tell me by voting and commenting! I can't know if u don't like something if u don't comment, so don't be afraid to speak. Have a happy Easter (If u celebrate that) or just have a good rest of the week!
-your favorite pizza consumer

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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