Chapter Three

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This is just great. This is just FANTASTIC. I'm here to grab my suitcase and leave, but I have to take it from BRICK SLAB GUY!?! The dude who I ran into headfirst at the airport, then face planted in an attempted escape? Yeah, THAT Brick Slab Guy.

I run to the edge of the sidewalk and sit behind the bench, where Ms. Violent Slurper is plugging away, oblivious to my fear. Good.

Back to the situation at hand. Maybe he didn't even see me. Maybe I can call him, tell him I stopped at the wrong Sydeny Tower. I could tell him I live in Sydney, Sweden. I don't even know if that is a thing. Maybe he won't either. We can mail our suitcases to each other and things will go back to normal. Maybe -


"AHH!" I look up to see him standing right above me, my suitcase set up beside him. "Oh, it's just you." I stand up. Me standing doesn't help me talk to him. I am talking to his chest and it's uncomfortable for everyone. He must be at least six feet tall. His smile is great though, but right now he's talking. What is he saying? Who is he talking to-

"Um, excuse me," he says.

"Oh sorry. I just, um, well, I mean. . ." God, I am so freakin stupid.

He smiles, "I was saying, well if it's 'just me', who were you expecting?

I look down, embarrassed and a little surprised at how he talks so directly to a stranger. "No one really. I, it's just that you, I ran into you, and..."

"Oh, hold on a second, you're that girl that I ran into at the airport. And then you. . . well, you-

"fell. I fell flat on my face." I finished for him, "people also call me Max."

"I'm Ashton." he takes his hand off of my suitcase and for me to shake. Really? No one shakes hands anymore. What should I do?

"Um, are you going to, nevermind." he puts his hand back at his side.

I clear my throat, "Well, here's your luggage. I promise I didn't steal anything, so don't worry about that." I roll it over to him, and he does the same with mine.

"Don't worry, I didn't steal anythingn either." he looks nervous now, but honestly, I don't care why. I just want to go home. I have embarrassed myself enough in the past two days than I have in my life.

I'm thinking about all of this in my head, when suddenly, a bird lands on my shoulder. I scream and try to shoo it off, but you would its goal in life is to sit on my shoulder for dear life. Shooing it away isn't really helping, so I try to run. Not a good idea.

In my ingenius attempt to get rid of the bird, I run into Ashton (at top speed, of course) in the process. We topple onto the grass behind the bench. The bird flaps among us while I shield my face from the feathers. Finally, Ashton literall grabs the bird and CHUCKS IT. We look at eachother, relieved. I try to lay down, but there is a pain in my right shoulder. I grimace and sit up straight.

Everyone is staring at us. I mean, EVERYONE. Even Big Slurp. I try to shake it off (no pun intended) and stand up, but using my arm to push myself up is NOT going to happen. Ashton notices now and tries to help me up. He grabs my right arm and I grimace. There is definitely somethin wrong there. He pulls his hand bacak, and a drip of blood comes with it.


Asthon helps me up on my other side.

"You need to go the hospital." he says. He looks genuinely worried.

"No, no. I'll be fine." I protest.

He looks at my wound, now partially dripping blood. I can't look, blood makes me... makes me...

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