Chapter 1: Torched In Fire

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(Author: Before you begin reading, I just wanna say that this is actually my first time writing romance stories. Usually I'd write some action or adventure, but this time I wanted to change it up a bit. So I apologize if it seems poorly written and whatnot. Not used to this genre. But anyways, on with the story!!!)


With the suns rays hitting against his eyelids, they soon begin to slowly open. Blurred vision now becoming normal as it suddenly revealed the room he was in. "An infirmary" (Y/n) spoke softly, "How did I get here?" Just then, flashing images began to appear, showing bits and bits of an event that occurred. A blade that was wielded, claws tearing flesh, fangs being bared. Happening all so fast that he couldn't quite make out. It didn't make sense nor why it happened, but one things for sure was that a nasty sting started to pierce his mind, "Tch....damn that hurts!!!" The door immediately swings open as a younger girl with a butterfly clip and purple hair comes storming through the infirmary towards (Y/n), "I told you not to move so much or else your wounds won't get healed!!!!"

"Huh? I barely moved a single muscle!!!" He exclaimed, "And who the hell are you and where am I exactly???"

Her cheeks puffed up out of annoyance before poking him harshly on his ribs, "You seriously don't know where you are?"

"Ouch!!! No!!!"

"How bothersome" She delivered an annoyed eye roll to him, "I know you were attacked but I didn't think it was this badly. Anyways, you're at the butterfly mansion. A place to treat injured demon slayers just like yourself."

"Butterfly mansion?" (Y/n) says with uncertainty in his tone, "Honestly, not really familiar with this place. First time hearing about it...."

"Oh boy..."

"You also mentioned that I was attacked? How???"

She crossed her arms, "Reports say that you were in the middle of a mission. Trying to save a small child from a demon that hides within shadows."

A short gasp escapes. (Y/n) was able to remember it. All of it. Flooding images of the battle rushed inside his thoughts, replaying everything from start to end. To where the demon was able to get the upper hand by using the kid as a shield until it seized an opening. An attack that could've almost ended his life. "You were badly wounded" the girl explained, "Fortunately for you my older sister came just in time to save you."

"I'm grateful for that...really..." he smiles as he slowly rises up from the bed though still feeling pained all over "Ow. What about the kid?"

She sighs as she helps him sit up, "The child is alright. Safely back home to where he belongs."

"That's a relief. Glad to hear that the kid's alright..."

"Try not to move anymore or else your stitches will rip open."

(Y/n) nods until he sat against the headrest, watching her pour a glass of water along with dropping some green powder inside and mixing it before handing it to him, "Drink this. It'll help ease the pain." He goes ahead and drinks it all as it left a bad aftertaste on his taste buds, "Jeez...didn't taste any sweet at all"

"Wasn't meant to be..."

He rolled his eyes and handed the cup back, "Well...thank you for that. By the way, where is your older sister? Just so I could give my thanks to her as well for saving me."

The girl takes it and sets it back down on the drawer, "She's currently on an important mission at the moment. But I'll tell her to stop by here this evening..."

*REUPLOAD* 𝒟𝒶𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 | Kanae Kocho x M! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now