Chapter 2: A Meal For A Day

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"Just little by little. Try not to go too fast..."

"Easy for you to say when you don't have an injured body..."

Within the hallways of the butterfly mansion, located by the infirmary section, Shinobu was currently helping (Y/n) on walking as she aided the demon slayer across the hallway. He was getting better however tripping slightly in every step he took. Causing a sting to flow.

"Ouch! many more minutes until I can finally relax?"

"Just a few more minutes left" she replied, "'s meal time."

"Thank god..."

Shinobu smiled a little, "Eager to eat are we?"

(Y/n) couldn't help but slowly nod a little towards her response, giving her a quiet 'yes.' With all the hospital like meals and the amount of medicine given to the slayer, he was hoping for something good this time. Something that wasn't any of those two. A proper meal of sorts, "Hopefully meal time doesn't consist of the same thing now, does it?"

She shook her head, "No. But eating that food was to help you regain your strength back. Healing your muscles and bones. Which I've been told it's supports an injured person really well..."

"You heard? You may have heard the wrong stuff because to taste buds didn't agree..."
Shinobu stops and starts to puff up her cheeks and ended up poking (Y/n) harshly on an injured spot.

"OW! What the hell-"

"My sources ARE correct and if you don't NEED my help on treating you,then you can kindly leave the mansion and treat your own self in your OWN way..."

"Okay okay...I'm sorry" (Y/n) replied while rubbing the side of his injuries, "Hey Shinobu?"


"Are you a Hashira too? Ya know..." he shrugs, "like your sister."

Shinobu then shook her head, "No. Not yet at least. I still have to do a lot of training left and such..."

"I see. Well, I think you'll become a pretty good Hashira. Even though I don't know how you fight and such" (Y/n) gave out a slight shrug, "Still think you have the potential..."

"....Thanks" she says as a hidden short smile formed.

Stinging and painful groans echoed as those minutes flew by. Finally down the end of the hallway, Shinobu led (Y/n) to the backyard garden, where they both found Kanae pouring some tea inside each cup. The hashira heard the squeaking floor boards and looked up with a heartwarming smile, "Shinobu...(Y/n) are you two?"

"Good" her sister replied as she carefully sets down the demon slayer on a pillow. "Kanae! I'm doing alright as you can see..." he smiled, "how about you?"

"Doing quite alright" she responded with a small nod, "You must be really famished." (Y/n) nods as he noticed all the food displayed in front of him, "From all that walking I could say that." A soft chuckle comes out from Kanae, followed by (Y/n) as well, letting out a soft embarrassed blush. "Well let's not idle away time then. Shall we?" From there on in the day, all three began to eat away at the delicacies, munching and savoring the meal that Kanae made. Both demon slayers began talking a bit about their selves whereas Shinobu decided to enjoy her own self in her own bubble, though kept short glances at the two after every minute or so.


Time passed once again and all the food prepared by Kanae was gone. Though almost all of it was devoured by (Y/n) and his hunger for some good food. The Hashira did take notice and couldn't help her self but to smile. "Whew....all of this was perfect" he says as he noticed all of the plates were emptied out, "Kanae, this was fantastic. Just simply delicious. Thank you very much!" He bowed to her out of respect. "It was nothing" she blushed, "I figured you needed something to eat after working out today. Do expect some more of these in the future!"

"Looking forward to them!"

As both slayers shared a small chuckle, Shinobu heard the squeaking floor boards before turning her head slightly, "I guess we have a visitor." Both Kanae and (Y/n) turned to see a man with white spiky hair, scars all over his body, and two small piercing pupils that stared through (Y/n). 'Whoa...what's with this guy...' he says inside his thoughts, 'Looks pretty intimidating too...'

"Sanemi welcome!" Kanae gave him a short greeting wave, "How are you?"

"Okay I guess..." he says as he looked at (Y/n) for a few seconds then walking in between him and Kanae and deciding to sit in the middle, "How about you? You doing alright?"

"Of course" she nodded before slightly scooting away, "By the way, the butterfly mansion has a new patient that their treating right now." Kanae nods over to me before the other guy slowly turns his head towards his direction, staring menacingly at him. 'God...' the slayer starts to sweat a bit, 'not gonna lie but this guy is scary...'

"Is that right...." Sanemi responded after placing his hand on one of my injured shoulders, "Does this slayer have a name?"

"'s (Y/n) (L/n).."

"(Y/n) huh...."

"W-what about you?"

"Sanemi of the wind Hashira's"

'Wait....this guy's another Hashira!!!!!!!' He gulps, "W-wow wow. That's....very impressive."

He nods, "Damn right...and I can't wait for us to get to know each other more." Sanemi grins as his finger nails begins to dig into (Y/n)'s injured shoulder, striking some pain into him. He didn't know why he did suddenly did that or his intentions, but it seemed like he could already feel his finger nails stabbing deeper into the wound. "Y-yeah...." He says mustering it up by clasping his hands together, "I c-can't wait!"

"Sanemi..." Shinobu intervened, "I do have the medicine that you ordered if you'd like to pick it up?"

The Hashira looked away and let's go of him before nodding, "Sure. I've been meaning to ask you about that. Anyways, I think I'm done here..." he says getting up along with Shinobu and exiting out, "See ya Kanae and....(Y/n)." Shinobu gave a bow to the two slayers and off she went with the wind Hashira down the hallway. "That interesting Hashira..." (Y/n) rubs his shoulder. "Yes he was.." Kanae nodded as her eyes shifted to the backyard, watching a butterfly land on her lap.

"I didn't know there was more than one Hashira to be honest..."

"Yes there are more of us. Though the rest of them are out scouting at the moment."

"Right" (Y/n) nods before crossing his legs in a comfortable position, "Well...thanks for the meal, Kanae." She then turns back to him, smiling while blushing "You're very welcome." Afterwards, the two decided to watch the butterflies dance around with others, even a few resting upon (Y/n). One decided to rest in his forehead, causing Kanae to laugh. In the end it made him laugh along too. ended up becoming a wonderful evening for them. An evening that they wouldn't forget. Especially one Hashira member in particular who was keeping a watchful eye on them both before gripping his sword, "...That...bastard...."

To Be Continued...

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