Good For Us

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"What are you doing? Stop staring at me like that!"

He had simply laughed and had taken his hand. This looked like a cliché movie, one where the characters would be so damn stupid and dense, but they were a bit, so it worked.

"What? You look beautiful, tonight. Just like the starry sky."

"We're inside, dumbass!"

He laughed. He laughed with all his heart, white teeth showing, and a beautiful heart-shaped smile all on display. Every flick of his lips reminded him why he fell in love with this incredible man. He'd give him every one of his days and nights, only if it meant he could hear and see him laugh like that, so wholeheartedly.

Give him every single one of his day and night, Hyungwon would still do it in a heartbeat if Hoseok asked him for it. He was pretty sure he would do whatever Hoseok asked him to, no question asked, just because he was so in love with this man that it fucking hurt. Watching him smile, laugh, being happy, and having fun without him felt like a knife in his chest, treason even if it wasn't one. That's just how Hyungwon felt in that damn mess, and that was also probably why he couldn't stop staring at Hoseok's side profile as the man watched the movie. He had no idea what Jooheon had picked, to be honest, he had been too busy either thinking or looking at his ex-boyfriend. It wasn't like it was the first time he did this, absolutely not, but it was the first time ever since they broke up. He used to always sit and watch movies with him, but spent half of the time just admiring his lover. How sharp his jawline was, yet how soft his face looked. Sometimes, he would also caress his hair and just snuggle against his larger frame.

But that was before, and now he had Minhyuk against him. It wasn't unusual either, knowing the boy's cuddly nature, but it was probably due to what Hyungwon asked him earlier and because the maknaes had decided to sit on the ground. On the other edge, sitting in a little chair with Kihyun on his lap was Hyunwoo. They all looked so engrossed in the movie, but Hyungwon wasn't. As cheesy as it sounded, Hoseok was the best view he could be granted, no matter what it would cost and how painful it would be for him.

Love truly made people dumb, and Hyungwon knew he was the first one touched by this.

Nevertheless, it didn't get better from there. As he thought that staring made him look creepy, Hyungwon slowly turned his attention back to the screen. Looked like it was a cheesy romance declaration or some shit like that, and the words used in the dialogue just took him to heart.

"You know, I'd give you the world if I could. You're the only person who ever got me and I just...Can't describe how happy you make me."

It sounded so awfully close to what Hoseok had told him before. The nights where they had laid on the grass, looking at the stars and laughing together. Ones where Hoseok had taken his hand and had whispered, as if it was some sort of secret, that the visual was his whole world. His reason to live, and on and on and on. Stuff that sounded so romantic, that had made Hyungwon smile like crazy, yet...Stuff that sounded so incredibly fake, now. Was that what he always told everyone? Was Hyungwon special to him? He gave everything of himself to the man, he just wanted to be the one! Why did it have to happen? Was this whole relationship just for fun? It was like they never happened, now. He almost wanted to put a curse on Hoseok's new girlfriend, but he wasn't a petty child anymore. He was just angry, felt like he had been played with.

And even then. The younger man missed Hoseok like crazy. He missed their late-night talk, the drives in the middle of the night, the day spent cuddling and just making love. He missed having someone to wake up with, kiss their forehead, and eat breakfast. He missed all of that horribly, even though he knew he couldn't gain it back. It was all gone, Hoseok had colored him blue and left him numb. But sometimes, Hyungwon thought that maybe it was for a good reason. Maybe it was better this way. Maybe Hoseok would be better off with someone else, someone better than Hyungwon, with all his flaws and his weird personality and body. Wonho had told him countless times just how perfect he was, that he didn't need to listen to the voice in his head, but in the end, it didn't feel like it. It felt like he had lied to make things easy, to not hurt Hyungwon because he was a good guy, and he had drunk all his words like water. Now he was left alone, with his broken heart and broken pride. With his sad thoughts and scenarios, he liked to play in his head at midnight. With his anger, stupid anger just because he hadn't been able to move on. Because Hoseok was happy and healthy and he wasn't. This was so damn stupid, but Hyungwon couldn't help it; especially when his eyes started to swell with tears.

Even with Jooheon also crying in the background, but probably because he was touched by the romantic dialogues. Either way, Hyungwon didn't care. He just got up and announced, albeit weakly:

"I think I'm getting a bit tired, so I'll be going to sleep, guys. See you tomorrow morning."

"Okay, good night Wonnie. See ya tomorrow," answered Hyunwoo with a small smile, and Hyungwon did his usual hug-before-sleep round. Even had the heart to throw a little remark at Jooheon for crying so much, obviously not meanly. "Don't cry so much, jagiya, you don't look hot when you cry."

At this, Jooheon smiled, and Hyungwon smiled back. It was weak, but he hoped it would be put on the count of the fatigue. Surprisingly, the singer hugged Hoseok too. Especially because that would be weird if he didn't, but he couldn't force himself too much. The contact barely lasted two seconds before Hyungwon retracted and quickly went to his room. And though he didn't want anyone to feel a difference in treatment between all the others and Hoseok, the latter felt it well. He knew Hyungwon was avoiding him, or at least, trying his best to, and that was painful. He didn't do anything! Well, not recently. Although the ambiance had been weird as fuck for long, Hyungwon never made such an active effort to not cross his path, even the first time they saw each other again. They had talked to each other dozens of times in two times, even spent at least one night or two talking, and it was fairly okay! So why?

Despite all his questions, Hoseok didn't say anything and tried to concentrate back on the movie, to no avail. Something was wrong...It could be because Hyungwon had someone new in his life, but...Yeah, something definitely felt wrong. Hoseok and he needed to have a talk.

"Hey guys, imma go to sleep too. I'm a bit tired. See you tomorrow!"

No questions were asked and everyone shot him a confused look, but eventually, all wished him good night. As soon as this was done, Hoseok went to Hyungwon's room and knocked on the door, albeit very nervous. He could feel his heart thumping in his chest.


Hyungwon's voice was so weak and low, something had to be wrong. Hoseok interiorly thanked his sixth sense. Although...Why would he call for Minhyuk? Was he supposed to come? Why for?

"No, it's Hoseok...Were you expecting Minhyuk?"

"Uh...Yeah, kinda...But I just wanna sleep, can we talk like tomorrow?"

Absolutely not. Hoseok couldn't risk Hyungwon running away again, leaving things unexplained and making the atmosphere here even weirder. Even if it would hurt, Hoseok was ready to tell the fucking truth for once. Try to sort everything out, his stupid heart be damned. He needed to get out of that dorm with answers, either pleasant or terrible. He just needed them, to put his heart at ease and be able to finally move on. Hyungwon was a good guy, and he hated to think how he left him without answers for so long.

"So you can keep avoiding me?! No, we have to talk now."

And maybe Hoseok's voice had sounded harsh, involuntary so, but it made the effect he wished for. Inside his room, Hyungwon quickly dried his tears and walked to his door. Hearing Wonho being cold like this with him was unusual enough, and kind of scary, so it pushed him to open the door even if he didn't feel like it. Say what? He had nothing to say. Or actually, nothing that would be good to be said. He could tell him that he lied, that he still loved him, and that it was breaking him day by day, but he would rather keep it for himself. He knew that talk wouldn't get anywhere...Yet he couldn't say no to Hoseok.

While his hands shook on the doorknob, the younger man left a space for his hyung to enter his room. A sigh escaped his lips, and he eventually sat on his bed without really meeting his eyes. Hyungwon was a bit glad because he was pretty sure he was about to cry, just like he had been doing ever since he got upstairs, but he simply settled next to Hoseok. The dancer didn't dare meet his eyes either, so he looked at the floor.

"...You're lying to me, aren't you?"

Oops. With one eyebrow raised, Hoseok was now looking at him, and Hyungwon felt like a deer caught in the headlights, although he still refused to meet his eyes. What could he say to save himself?

"N-No! I'm, uh, I'm dating Minhyuk..."

Yeah, yeah, he'll probably believe you? Either way, Min got your back! Don't worry!

"Minhyuk? Really? As if. You think Jooheon would let you?"

Shit. Hyungwon had forgotten that everyone knew the weird relationship that those two had. He was pretty sure they were dating, just like everyone else, but he hadn't really thought about that in the heat of the moment. His broken heart was just stupid and irrational.

"Uhhh, Hyunwoo?"

Hyungwon knew he had fucked up at the exact same moment. This was so obvious that he wasn't dating Hyunwoo, especially not when Yoo Kihyun existed and lived with the man. For God's sake, he had been sitting on his lap for the past two hours, yet it was the visual's first thought? He definitely felt like the dumbest human to ever have graced this planet, now. He wanted to simultaneously congratulate himself and also slap himself across the face because he knew Hoseok wouldn't buy his bullshit. And fuck, his heart wouldn't be able to handle it. His hands were actually starting to get all wet, and his heart was beating loudly in panic. He was so fucked.

"What the fuck are you on, dude? Don't try to steal my boyfriend!"

Okay, he could have been fine without Kihyun's comment, obviously, but he could understand the older man's reaction. It was then at this moment that Hyungwon decided to finally lift his head up and look at Hoseok, who was looking at him with the most disappointed look. Hyungwon felt like a kid all over again, with his mom scolding him.

"Seriously? Hyunwoo? You could have tried harder. You could have said Changkyun, I might have believed you a tiny bit, but Shownu? Come on, Won."

The latter bit his lip and looked away again, feeling like complete shit and the worst dumbass. Next to him, Hoseok sighed and put a hand over his knee. He was a bit confused, but things were starting to make sense in his head, and he was starting to understand what was truly happening. Or so, he hoped.

"...Yeah, sorry. I...That was stupid...I just..."

A yawn escaped his lips. Hyungwon was really tired, and his brain was an overheating mess. Nothing made sense anymore.

"Do you still love me?"

That was all Hoseok said after. With eyes full of sincerity, shining, such a deep look that Hyungwon felt unable to turn away when their eyes met once again. He had missed Hoseok so much despite everything else he felt, and he knew his love couldn't be denied. Even with his breath getting stuck in his throat, there was no denying it. Hyungwon knew he couldn't lie anymore, and didn't have the heart to make bullshit up anymore.

"...Yeah," was eventually said in a sigh, low and almost went unheard if it wasn't for the silence in the room. That was it, he said it. The truth that had been on his lips for the last two years. One that it felt weirdly good to say. "Yeah, I'm still in love with you."

It felt like a weight getting off his shoulders, albeit how stressful, nerve-wracking it was.

"You know, I broke up with her."


"Yes, I...Couldn't do it. I'm not a good talker or whatever, so I think I'll go straight to the point; I do love you too. You know, I thought you'd be better off without me, not waiting after me, and that I wouldn't ruin your reputation but...I regret it. I did a mistake."

"That's not very straight," replied Hyungwon with the cutest smile on his lips. He could barely believe it, his heart beating like crazy, but that was just the effect of being told he was still loved. That made sense, in a way, and it didn't in another. But right now, the dancer was just tired and he wanted to believe it. He was tired of running away and doubting himself and others and hearing that felt like the biggest relief. Hoseok still loved him. Him.

The most perfect man he had ever met was still in love with it, just as he did, and wanted him back. Holy fucking shit, it felt surreal.

"You're right. See? That's the effect you have on me."

Hoseok felt like he was on cloud nine. So was Hyungwon, who looked at him with the biggest smile, and finally felt like he could breathe. Breathe freely, with the heart less heavy than it had been for years. Finally getting the answers you had been draining for was a magical feeling.

"Does that mean you're sleeping in my bed tonight?"

Hyungwon wasn't dumb, he knew they'd have to have a talk tomorrow. A longer one, where they would explain everything and finally settle on what they wanted from each other and hopefully get back together. And instead of being scared, Hyungwon was waiting for that talk excitedly, but he was getting tired.

"Of course. I'm not ever letting you go."

A little scream escaped the visual's mouth as soon as Hoseok decided to wrap his arms around him and make him fall on the bed. It's not like he could be mad, so he just laughed and looked at Hoseok with a smile. Being like this, happy, would suffice for now. The big talk could be made later. Plus...He kinda liked the sound of that, if he was being completely honest.

"You better."
"Don't you think Hoseok's walking a bit weird?" Whispered Minhyuk in the kitchen, as he looked at Hoseok roaming around to search for his shirt, the next morning. He was indeed walking weirdly, and the leader-main vocal couple was having trouble keeping their laughter down. Next to Minhyuk was sitting Jooheon, munching on a toast.

"Thankfully. Now you won't have to pretend to be dating Hyungwon anymore."

"What, jealous?" Minhyuk had this infuriating smirk now, and Jooheon rolled his eyes.

Just as Hyungwon was walking downstairs, with his hair all messy and yawning.

"Yo, I see you two made up??"

Of course, Kihyun had to be an embarrassing bitch.

"Shut the fuck up, Kihyun! Go fuck yourself."

"Excuse me, are you accusing me of being a bottom?"


While Kihyun and Minhyuk argued about Kihyun being a top or something like that, Hyungwon let out a loud sigh. It was too early for this shit, and he wondered just how he could live in such a zoo. A circus, even, and truthfully, the singer didn't sign up for this shit. Yet...

"Don't worry, babe. You're not alone in this."

A kiss to his temple.

Hyungwon smiled. Maybe the day wouldn't be that bad. It was clear Hyunwoo was a bottom, anyway.

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