The Unexpected Declaration

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"Really now" I looked there was poster of Amila and I. "If I find out this was your bother can I noggie him" I tell her "If it was Chin Pao San can you help me wack him with the twin rocker hanmers" She says I laughed as held hands walked towards our class. To our surprise neither of us were right it was a collective idea our school's principal had. "Can I take myself out of this" Mila and I started at each other. "Quang stop reading my mind" She says "I didn't my flower" I replied Amila then turned looked at everyone. "Besides Quang is going to win have you seen him?" "You're more beautiful than I'm" "Nope it's you"

"I can't pick" Intestine Guy says "You two shine pretty together therefore I can't vote" Amila stared at The Scarlet Rose Tiger statue and sighed. "She's been like that for 10 minutes" Yu Zi says "She seems to be in thoughts" Yen Yen and a girl I didn't recognized walked towards Amila. They stood beside Amila. "Yen Yen and I got the goods" Amila only giggled "What is all this"

"Hei Leing!" "Young Master!" "I'll be fine" I say "Anyone sense that aura?" "That person is pure evil!" "No this aura why is it evil but also gentle" King says "Mila!" Ninja stars landed right into the guys arms. He chuckled and smiled. "Little Vileaner what a surpise?" We all looked Amila stood there bandaged cheek but a line of blood from a cut on her face ran down. "I outtta eat your soul!" "You really ack..." Are those the blinding light daggers? "Stay away from my husband and his crew or else I'll be the one to end your life and not Diablo!" "You would play right into his hands Little Vileaner" The guy says looking at Amila "I wouldn't he would give up the throne to me for handling the biggest nuisance of evil leave now" She says glaring at the guy "Can you let go of at least me" She does he looks at her.

"You can't have peace for this world" The guy says "Chaos,misery, pain, suffering it will always exist" "Don't care" Amila says "But being the harmony of the two sides is something I'm always going to be good at and something that isn't ever going to change" "So when the time arrives will you stand with Diablo" Everyone looks at Amila who only crossed her arms. "As if I tell you of all people in the underworld my plans now leave" "I shall see you again Little Vileaner"

The guy vanshied Amila walked towards me. She touched at my hands and closed her eyes. My wounds vanished I touched at my face no blood stain. "He's your husband uh?" Amila blushes "Hush I was just caught up in the moment" "Amila" She looks at your brother and smiles softly

"Tatung I know what you're going to ask and it's true I'm next in line for the throne of the underworld Diablo enforced the new rule that one's vigor level that is ranked second would be the heir and I've been second since I was eleven but it wasn't until I was 14 that it was very visible I can't turn into a corpse warrior nor be a blood puppet because of how high my rank in the underworld and also how high my rank in the K.O chart I do have villainous but it's because there's people of evil I wanna kill with my own hands the throne of hell is something I did kinda want to rule but I wanna rule my own kingdom one where I can rule with my own rules anyways that is it I can go into details some other time Zh Ge you ain't slick I can see your knife wound"

Zhan rolls up Zh Ge's selve sure enough there was indeed a cut there from a knife. "Alright you gu...." Amila dragged her brother into the class King laughed. "Dumb Big Bro interrupted the girls and I target practice he got shot by Hikaru's sleep darts dumb big bro" 25 minutes later. "I'm late for eh I'm here?" "Dumb Big Bro" King says laughing "So Amila dragged me here?" Tatung ask "You got hit with sleep dart" "Oh yeah Mila's clan were doing their target practice and I was just around" "Really because Mila told us you interrupted it" Zhan says "I guess in a way I must've to her" "Tatung I'm pretty sure whatever you thinks was normal wasn't normal for Mila and her clan"

"That's Amila's fighting index!" "We should head there"

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