Not Really Bad

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"Yu Zi what did you do?" "This wasn't me" Yen Yen sat at a table surrounded by numerous breakfast foods "She won't even share with us," Zhan says "If it wasn't Yu Zi then who" "Well she's smiling so it must've been someone she knew from school" "You're thrilled Your Vigorness" "I'm" "What your favorite manga came out with a new volume" "Nope" "The official date of Synris and your's wedding" "Nope" "You finally gave your brother a wedige" "Hahhaha nope" "Then what" "I made breakfast for someone" "Mila" "Eeeee I'm even happier now" It was true Amila was the one that made Yen Yen breakfast. "No wonder Yen Yen wouldn't share," Zhan says "I don't think I would've either" "Thank you Mila" "How did you know?" "I took one bite then memories appeared before me" "Whoaaa"

The principal but was then reduced to a puddle Wang Shuang Long appeared. "Hey Axi" "Hey Axel" He places each a bag on their desk. "Happy 7 years of Friendship" They hand him bags too he looked. "Happy 7 Years of Friendship Axie" "Wang Shuang Long" "Relax I'm not here to cause a scene just here to see my best friends since today is our friendship date" "Speaking of that what are we going to do" "Yeah we've gotta get ready for our test" "I'll buy you guys food" "Axel" "See you villains later on" He smiles then walks out of the classroom. "So Principal what brings you by" "Congrats you pulled up that grade we're proud of you" Everyone looked at Amila she turned to Henju. "I told you Your Vigorness," He says "All you need was motivation and belief" "Thank you" "Eh you just called us villains and said see you later on" "Oi you guys get in here" Multiple guys walked through handing bags to everyone even me I was shocked. "Ooooo" "QUiet you two it just seems fitting" "And" "And also despite my previous actions I wanna treasure you guys as people and try to value your opinions" "Awww" He then hands the bags in his hands to Amila and Henju. "I'll see you guys later on for real though" "Thank you" He smiles soflty then walks out

"I barely know things," King said "But he seems kind just misunderstood" "At least you and I were part of his life Henji" We looked at the two of them Henju had a photo album "Hey that's me" "Mom forced you into this one Big Bro" "Yeah I remember but I didn't wanna intrude you and Henju was his best friends" "Even so you still knew Axel" "You also gave up one your weapons to him" "In which Mom and Dad lectured me" "And Xiu," Henju and Amila says

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