They're Officially Friends Now

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She'll be alright though. I looked at her chair. "Amila-Senpai how come you're not wearing the uniform?" We hear a girl say "More importantly are you even okay can you even see?" Another girl says  What? "I haven't been able to get home to change because numerous things happened the principal seen me and let me pass" "Unnie be careful" They say "I will girls but this was something I had handled as a world traveler" Amila says "Let's go she'll be okay let's just at lunch protect her whenever she's not around Synris or the ultimate class" "Agreed" Amila walked through with her bag on her her left eye patched up right cheek bandaged. "Mila" "Yes Ms.Tian" "You know the uilmate class are here for you" Amila only small smiles then sits next to me.

Lunch had came around she walked towards us. "King tell Mr.Sun thank you for me" I say "I will how do you feel?" "I just need to regain my enegry my body isn't damged but the spiritual doctor and Supeior Chiu-Wu told me the eye patch isn't coming off until 5 days pass"

"Be careful for now you can't fully see now" "Which is why Superior Chiu-Wu told me stay either around my clan, Synris and you all" "Have we met this Synris" "Very much it's Leing's name in the traveler's index" "What?!" We all say

"When a world travelers has a other half those in the traveler's index creation give a name to the other half based on the person's elemental heart or the kinds of weapons or aura and since Leing's aura is golden his main weapon is a mirror he got the nickname letal golden beauty which is Synris" "Whoaa" She laid on me her legs took up Wang Chaun's lap as well but he was chilled since it was Mila. "We'll wake you when it's time" "Thank you" She says  soflty I kissed at her nose she blushed "Rest well my love" "Not fair! But I will especially knowing you and everyone else are always there for me"

"Oooo are they ahhh Sir Tatung pleaseee" "Stop trying to be noisy or do you want an internal injury" "Nono spare mee I'm going home seee" We turned around Yen Yen stood there. She held something and she shaked. I looked around Zh Ge and Zhan were nearby watching showing a thumbs up. In which Wang Chaun noogied the both of them
Amila only smiled and grabbed the cookies that were in her hand. "I can give you some of my trick needles" She giggled "Thank you but it's alright they were trying to encourage to me"

"Really" Amila says "I've wanted to became friends with you since I heard so much good things and you're more cooler than your brother" "Hey" "Tatung shush" "I'm don't always know how to talk to people or get the right words to appear and sometimes it causes me to be in some stage fright mode" "I get that I was like that in middle school it takes times though it's a start with the ultimate class though but since Qiu Qiu King are around it's more easy but now that I've returned even more of a sense of security is in your favor but I already had seen you as a friend the gals of my clan always talked nothing but kind words of you just approaching you the right steps were needed and today was the beginning of it but seriously if the boys bother you I don't mind giving you my trick needles"

"Mila!" "Wang Chaun noogie them again" "Ahhh spare us sir" "Get back here you two!"  Yen Yen giggled Amila smiled and gently hugged Yen Yen "Thank you but here's going to be  more days knowing you and also another member of the girls squad in time things will appear us but for now we can all just enjoy each other's company and protect each other and share food recipes too" Yen Yen and Amila laughed

"I'm too happy I finally became official friends with Yen Yen Emmoa was right friendship will take time and when it arrives to cherish the friendship the growth of each of us will only give us more enegry to tackle things together" She smiles "But I'm too happy to be back by your side Leing" "As am I Amila" "My parents asked me about if there was a way she get a family dinner she since it's cerfiied that Lei and Tatung and with our shared dream it's hope for our bond but trust me even I know it's you" I laughed "That sounds like something I would've said to you" "Maybe you did if so I took a page out of your book of phrases" We both laughed and walked once again

"So Tatung and Lei you and I getting spoiled by your guys parents because the future is real in their eyes too" "Yep" "I'll have to look there are things I have to attend to due to you know family" "Yeah I know just mom wanted me to bring it up because sometimes I get amnesia from time to time certain things I'll remember other days I won't which is why you see my calendar or my schedule book having notes in various spots" "I see I was always curious about that but I'm glad to know and I'll keep it in mind if needed I'll tell the other s for you when the time comes so that way they don't think you're ditching or ghosting them" "Yeah but also can we stop for a second" "Of course" "She turned around and smiled. "Hello Yenmo the scroll you gave me is helping us very much for this Spirit Fist Day stay safe for us please" I did feel a spiritual presence it vanshied. Amila turned around and looked at me. "When The Scarlet Rose Tiger was humane her name was Yenmo it meant unseen protector I forgot which language though I'm sure it's one of the Asian-arts languages" Iaughed as she continued to tell me more as we walk home.

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