Orchestra Practise.

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Chapter 2:

If I have to count all the times that Summer has gotten me into trouble, I would need a calculator. Not because I can't count but ever since we've been friends in second grade she has always found some way to attract trouble and then I have to get her out of it.

I was hoping that we would be meeting up with Mr. Apple alone in his classroom after school to discuss our punishment and get it over with but it seems to me the good girl reputation I had is turning into the tribulation reputation, since there was about forty faces staring back at me when I entered. I knew that's what they thought. I could see it in their facial expressions.

Like always Summer was late. And I had to face the crowd all alone. Yet i don't know why. We walked out of class the same time and somehow she disappeared in the rabble crowd.

Everyone was tuning their instruments. In a way it must probably sound in perfect harmony with each other but right now it sounded like the whole orchestra was tone deaf.

Mr. Apple eyed me from the back of the classroom as I walked in and hid behind a Cello in the front of the class, waiting for my partner in crime to arrive which i strongly doubt would happen. Typical Summer.

I could feel my checks flushing a bright red of mortification.

"Okay now, please settle down!" He waved his manus in the air and in an instant the room was quiet.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't think Summ-" I was just about to finish my sentence when she came waltzing in with a corn-dog in her hand.

"Well I'm glad you've finally decided to join us miss Vince." Mr. Apple's tone sounded sarcastic.

She threw her backpack onto the floor beside the filing cabinet and then fell down into a seat in the first row.

"I know I'm late. I was just starving so I bought myself something to eat. Did Lauren jump to conclusions again or did you actually miss me Josh?"

She stared at me and I felt somehow guilty but still believed that if she had the opportunity she wouldn't have came. I shook my head and looked down at my knotted fingers. Mr. Apple cleared his throat and then continued.

"Everybody let's welcome Lauren Kelly and Summer Vince. Ladies and gentlemen, today we will have these two visitors and I will actually use them as an example for what we will be discussing in tomorrow's lesson."

I sighed in anxiety. Who knows what he will be doing to us and how embarrassing it would be. Teachers of today just don't seem to understand how it feels like to be ninth graders these days.

"The lesson would be handling about postmodernism." he turns to the orchestra and asks,

"Can anyone tell me what they understand about the term postmodernism?"

The weight on my shoulders felt heavier. My palms became sweatier. My throat was feeling dry and shivers escaped down my spine when a person moved out from behind the fourth row and positioned his guitar on it's stand while arising his hand.

That was no ordinary person. My cheeks flushed red yet again. No, this time it was even brighter than a ruby. That guy was Niall Horan. No ordinary one. The hottest and smartest guy in eleventh grade.

His blonde hair reflected the rays of sunshine shining in from the outside through the window and his blue eyes drowned me in a blue ocean and there was no way I wanted to even try and swim. He was perfect. He could save me from drowning.

He was my crush ever since we met in my freshman year. I could still remember how I tried to slurp down my hot chocolate when he came running by in his faultless fitted gym wear that looked like the perfect ensemble. I was jusy standing there admiring him so I don't know what happened because I'm not usually a clumsy person but I accidentally tripped over my own feet and spilled my drink all over him.

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