Band Auditions.

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Chapter 5:

Yesterday afternoon Summer decided to make flyers and hand it out as well as sticking it to every wall she walked past. Just to notify the people that there is actually auditions being held for our band this afternoon at five in the room next to Mr. Apple's class.

It was probably not such a bad idea to notify people but as soon as I read a flyer someone tossed to the ground I could understand why her parents kept on complaining about the massive amount of playstaion games she plays.

Her spelling was as good as a first grader's. Actually I feel bad now, no first grader sould be insulted like this. She needed some serious tutoring.

This morning before school I wished that my dad wasn't a doctor and that I could actually play that school sick game on my parrents. Unfortunately for me they would know immediatley when I am faking it and when it is real. The struggle to be a liar like all the other ninth graders is real.

When the last period of the day ended I swallowed my pride and started walking up to our auditions room.

I know I didn't have much expectation that allot of people would arrive but I certainly didn't think that there would be nobody auditioning.

I can't help but to feel disappointed.

"Nobody came?" I whispered as I walked in.

"They'll be here" Summer said as if it wasn't such a big deal and that they were all just late.

"I sure hope so" was all I could manage to please her with since I knew from the beginning that having auditions would be a disaster.

Summer started setting up her drumset and I grabbed my guitar and started tuning it.

Every now and then I see Summer glancing up at the door only with disappointment finding out that nobody is standing there.

I sighed. I would've never thought that this would mean so much to her.

"Maybe it's because you said tomorrow instead of today on your poster. You should've written a date, now everybody would think tomorrow and tomorrow everybody would think it's the day after tomorrow. I think you might have confused them?" I mumbled.

"You're right." Summer exhorted as if she was trying to hold back shouting at me.

"I didn't mean -" I tried to finish my sentence.

"You know, there's an whole school orchestra next door practising and maybe they couldn't come because Josh kept them from coming. I say we grab our things and take the auditions to them. Surely they'll be ecstatic!"
Summer blabbered as if it was an even better idea than she ever had before.

No! No! No!
I cannot let her do this. But before I could protest against this new idea she was already marching out the door.

I felt like I haven't been the most supportive friend ever but it took a heck of allot of encouragement to follow her next door and just to go with her flow.

When we entered the class Mr. Apple, with one hand gesture, silenced the orchestra and all eyes were then fixed on us.

Like we're those Big Mac hamburgers at McDonald's with the exstra cheese and pickles.

Summer walked up to him and started whispering with a few nodding heads in between Mr. Apple jumped of joy when he said,

"These two lovely ladies are here today to bring their band auditions to you! Summer please continue"

Summer stepped back a few steps to see the whole orchestra clearly.

"We are here because we are looking for someone who can play a guitar, do the vocals for us and if you can play an electric keyboard we're looking for you too"

No reaction.

The orchestra starred back at us, some with the expression of boredom on their faces and others smiling and handing out packets of popcorn among each other to be ready for any epic fail we might have.

Mr. Apple jumped in and tried to save our butts.

"This is your chance to do something fun" he tried to sound extatic.

A hand arose from the back row.

"Sir, I don't understand. Why should ww be auditioning to join their band? We all obviously play in the school orchestra and that means we can play. I think they should audition for us first and then we can decide afterwards if we are interested in joining."

Mr. Apple turned to us and then said,

"She's right, you know! What do you say?"

I looked at Summer and she gazed back at me.

"I don't see why we can't play one song for you guys. So why not!" she shrugged.

I nodded my head in consideration not sure if I was really meaning 'yes we can play' or I'm so dizzy from actually considering this.

"Oh joy!" Mr. Apple claimed.

He grabbed his chair and dragged it closer. Demanding that we use his instruments to avoid wasting any more time.

I grabbed a nearby guitar and Summer moved in behind the drumset.

Mr. Apple twinkled his fingers and gave a big smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Summer and Lauren!" he introduced us.

Summer gave me a signal for the song we will be playing and I gave a faded smile.

Was this really happening?

She picked up her drumsticks and before you knew it we started playing,

Nirvana's smells like teen spirit.


Dear sticky notes book, to self,

Everything happens for a reason.

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