CH2: This is the first time

846 26 14

Sam: Dream escaped from prison!

Quackity: What?

Dream: I'm here.

Dream appear with tommy.

Tubbo: Tommy! Are you-

Tommy: What do you want?

He look tubbo sharply. 

Sam: Come back to the prison.

Dream: Why would I? Why do I have to?

Quackity: YOU!-

Sapnap and George run at sam.

Sam: ...Dream-

(Play this while you are reading under :) )

Sapnap: Dream! Why are you out of prison?! You shouldn't be here!

Dream: ?

George: Dream. Why are you looking us like that?

Tubbo: Yeah tommy. Why?

Quackity, Tubbo, Ranboo, George, Sapnap: We're your-We are your friends.

Dream: What? I never met you before.

Tommy: Yeah. You're not my friends.

Five: What....?

Tommy: What are you saying? You're not my friends.

Dream: I don't know you at all. This is the first time.

Sapnap: We-We played together! Do you remember?

Dream: What do you mean? 

Tubbo: I'm-I'm your best friends. We know each other long time.

Tommy: What?

Dream and Tommy: We don't know each other. This is the first time. 

Ranboo: Is this-Is this because we said we don't want to be friends with you anymore?

Tommy: What? What is that?

Quackity: ...It's all my fault.....

Sapnap: It's our fault....because we said we wish we never met you....dream....

Dream: Sam. We will out here. 

Sam: What? Wait-

Tommy: Bye sam.

Tommy and Dream disappear.

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