CH11: The one who killed us

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*My family and all my fake friends or old best friends are the one who killed me....but also, myself ;)
Enjoy :)

Dream: ...

The wind is strong today.

Tommy: Dream. You're gonna get cough.

Dream didn't answer.

Tommy: Dream!

Dream just looks at Tommy and looks at the sky again.

Tommy sighed.

Tommy: ...Can you stay with me for now? I don't want you to get cough.

Dream: ....

Dream jumped.

Tommy placed the water before dream touched the ground.

Dream: tch

Tommy: I can hear you said "Tch" Dream.

Dream: ...Yeah

Tommy: ...Do you think we are changing?

Dream: ...I am but not you are.

Tommy: Hahaha....really?

Dream: Yeah you are nice and kind person. You don't change at all.

Tommy: But I think I stop talk than before all of this.

Dream: I'm the worse.

Tommy: ...Maybe

Dream: You are saying yes.

Tommy: I said maybe.

Dream: It's yes to me.

Tommy: How and Why

Dream: I don't know.

They go inside of house while talking.


Dream sit down same place.

He has a photo in his hand.

Dream: We used to be "The best dream team" but we became "The worst dream team" aren't we?

In the picture, they are smiling and look happy.

Dream: I left you and betrayed you. Sapnap and George left me. I deserve it but it's still hurt.

He sniffed and smile sadly.(Nobody notice it because he is wearing a mask and nobody is around him)

Dream: The moon left the stars....the stars left the moon ;)

Tommy: The moon can't live without the stars.

Dream: ...

Tommy: I mean...the brightness will gone.

Dream: Then I guess I lost brightness.

Tommy: ...Me too. We lost it.

Dream: I looked them in the shadow today.

Tommy: Really? I also looked them.

Dream: How were them?

Tommy: You know the answer.

Dream and Tommy: They are living happy.

Dream: ...Do you think we killed them? Cause this?

Tommy: I don't know. What do you think?

Dream: ....

Tommy: So you are thinking same way as me.

Dream: You said "don't know" earlier.

Tommy: I just want to hear the answer.

Dream and Tommy: The one who killed us is-

*Who do you think killed them and cause this?

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