CH6: Call us as a strangers

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Dream: ...Tommy?

Tommy: Yeah?

Dream: Let's visit them.

Tommy: What?

Dream: You know...I was in prison whole time.

Tommy: You wanna look around?

Dream nods.

Tommy: Okay.

They start walking.

Tommy: Welcome back Big D!

Tommy smiles.

Dream: I'm back again!

Tommy: Yeah!

They laugh and walking around.

Tommy: And this is my house.

Dream: Its looks cool.

Tommy: Thank you.

Dream: Your always welcome.

They talk about what happened while dream is in prison.

Dream: Oh so you were with-

Tubbo: Tommy!

They stop talking and look at them sharply.

 FEW WEEKS AGO (After tommy and dream disappear.)

Tubbo: What are we do now?

Quackity: We don't know...

Sapnap: Do you think they will forgive us?

Everyone looks down.

Tubbo: But we can talk to them again right?

Quackity: ..Yeah I think so

Tubbo: Then-Then let's talk with them!

Ranboo: ....Yeah

They start searching for tommy and dream.

They still don't know what will happen...."still"....

After few weeks they found tommy and dream.

They look like they are talking about something.

They run toward them.

Dream: Oh so you were with-

Tubbo: Tommy!

They look at them.

Ranboo thinks: Why are they looking us like that?

They look at them like they are looking at strangers.

Ranboo thinks: ...Is it just me? 

Ranboo stop thinking and follow them.

Tubbo: Tommy!

Tommy: What?

Tubbo: We were-

Dream: How do you know his name?

Tubbo: What

Tommy: Yeah. I never told my name except dream.

Sapnap: What do you mean "how do you know his name" dream?!-

Dream: You also know my name?

Sapnap: Of course-

Tommy: Hey listen "strangers"-

Tubbo: Why are you calling us as strangers tommy?

Tommy: What do you mean? 

Tubbo: We are your friends. Why are you calling like that?

Tommy: What do you mean you are my "Friends"?

Quackity: Hey stop "acting like you don't know us at all".

Sapnap: Yeah you know us very well right?

Dream: What are you saying? Are you okay?

George: Dream! We are best friends!

They look sharply.

Dream: ...No we are not

Tommy: Let's go dream. I'm little scared.

Dream: Yeah me too.

They go away.

Tubbo, Quackity, Sapnap and George couldn't say anything...couldn't do anything because of shock.

Ranboo just look at tommy and dream sadly.

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