CH7: Never will be

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*You know who draw this most amazing and beautiful art. It took one hour to find ranboo and quackity lol Enjoy :)

Dream: Thank you for showing me around. 

Tommy: Your welcome Big D.

Dream: Its change a lot isn't it?

Tommy: Yeah its changed after you put in prison.

Dream: Hey you know i don't like that prison right?

Tommy: Yeah i know.

They laugh and look around.

Tommy: Do they think we will forgive them?

Dream: Yes...I think...

Tommy and Dream: ....

Tubbo: Wait!

Tubbo run at them.

Tommyinnit whisper to Dream: Are they still following us?

Dream whisper to Tommyinnit: I think so.

Tubbo: Can we talk a little?

Tommy: Sure.

Tubbo: ...Let's sit somewhere

They walk to one place.

Tubbo: Well...we don't have place enough but sit here.

Tommy: ...

It was a bench...that bench.

Tommy and Tubbo sit down and others stand up near them.

Dream stand up next to tommy.

Tubbo: Do you-Do you remember Disc war? Final?

Tommy nods.

Tommy: Yeah and dream went to prison with Sam.

Dream: Hey it was so bad place. Could he make more comfortable?

Tommy: Nahh You deserved it.

Dream: Not anymore?

Tommy: Yeah "you're the only one who is my best friend."

Tubbo, Ranboo and Quackity feel sad.

Tubbo: ...Can we-are we best friends?

Tommy: No?

Tubbo: ....Not anymore?

Tommy: Yes.

Tubbo: ...Can we be friends?

Tommy: I don't think so.

Sapnap: ...Dream you too?

Dream nods.

Tubbo: ....Can you visit us again?

Tommy looks at dream.

Dream: Someday.

Tubbo: Thank you!

Tommy and Dream starts walk again.

Tommy: ....Can we be friends with them?

Dream: ....

They laugh sadly.

Dream and Tommy: Never will be.

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