15: Fifteen Minutes of Dancing

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As usual, congratulations to @amiva0402 who guessed today's riddle

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As usual, congratulations to @amiva0402 who guessed today's riddle. Tomorrow's is at the end.


Wednesday: December 15th, 2015

I'd be lying if I said the mood wasn't a little awkward now. Jasper knew a part of me still liked him... or liked him again. And a part of me assumed his feelings were mutual. But so long as they never came out of his mouth, I could continue pretending like they weren't real.

We walked out of Winter Wonderland on the fifteenth day of Christmas with our riddle in hand, unfurling it with our steps. Stepping closer to Jasper, trying my best not to breathe in his oh-so-familiar scent, I let my eyes wander over the paper.

	"What?" Jasper exclaimed, eyebrows furrowing

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"What?" Jasper exclaimed, eyebrows furrowing.

Reaching over to him, I yanked the riddle from his hand and read and re-read it as I paced the park. Glancing up at him, I said, "I have no clue."

"Christmas tree?" he asked me.

I shrugged. "There'd be so many."

Jasper came up beside me again, shoulder bumping mine, hand gripping the paper, and skin brushing against mine. My throat felt tight and I did everything in my power to not look up at him while he tried to read the riddle again.

"I... I could ask for help," I said softly, finally glancing his way.

"From who?" he replied, gaze meeting mine.

"Jojo and Ria may still be up," I whispered, noticing his eyes were trailing over my face.

"Yeah... okay," he mumbled, gaze fixated on my mouth.

Taking a step away and putting an end to the hold he had on me, I took a picture of the riddle and sent it via our group chat. "I don't know how long they will take."

"Want to... get a drink while we wait?"

"All these trips out are adding up, Jas..."

He shrugged. "The winnings will be more."

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