29: Twenty-Nine Ponies

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Wednesday: December 29th, 2015

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Wednesday: December 29th, 2015

When Clare and dad off-handedly mentioned they'd love to go on a date night on the twenty-ninth day of Christmas, I was more than quick to promote it. We were sitting at the dining table having breakfast. Amelia was still fast asleep upstairs (somehow) while Hunter was in his high chair, playing with his food.

"You should go," I insisted. Because if they left the house... then I'd have another chance to be alone with Jas. With only three days left, my desire to check off the last milestone in our relationship was increasing. What we did yesterday before his mum came home, and our phone call last night was simply not enough.

Dad gave me a suspicious glare at my overly positive attitude, but I grinned through it until he looked back at Clare. "It would be too difficult..." he said. "We'd have to get someone to watch Amelia and Hunter."

Then they both looked expectantly at me and my eyes widened. Because if I was watching them, there's no way Jas and I could be alone. Which would mean my attempts were all for nothing. At the same time... It would be nice for dad and Clare. Sighing internally, I said, "I could do that. But could I have Jas over?"

Dad's brows furrowed as Clare's lifted in amusement. "I suppose," dad grumbled. "But the kids would need constant supervision which means you two would not ever be alone in a room. Only down here in the living room."

But then Clare said, "Maybe your parents could watch them, Chris. Then Zara and Jasper can go out as well to enjoy their night instead of babysitting."

"What? But Zara just offered to—"

"They're kids. They're young. They don't have much time left together. They shouldn't spend it having to babysit."

"Then I guess we can stay home," dad then said.

"No," she quickly added. "I still want to go out. Can't you just call your parents or do I have to do it?"

"Fine," he gruffed, getting to his feet and walking out of the room to the landline.

Once we heard his voice echoing down the hallway, my grandparents evidently making small talk before letting him get to the reason he called, Clare turned to me. "You want to be alone with Jasper, don't you?" she whispered, taking a seat by me so that the chances of being overheard by dad were limited.

"Um... it would be nice to go out together alone."

She rolled her eyes. "Or nice to have the house empty and say you're going out while you sneak him in here..."

"I wasn't going to—"

Clare's hand rested atop my arm, stopping me from speaking. "It's okay, Zara. I was young once. I trust you're smart enough to use protection. I also know you're on the pill considering I see you take it every morning, so it's not like I'm worried about the baby aspect anyway."

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