Chapter One

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A BOY WAS CRAWLING THROUGH THE VENTS, SILENTLY. He was a boy on a mission, his uncle had taught him how to travel silently and swiftly. His mother was keeping something from him and he intended to find out what it was. Most people would blame the boy's father for the way that he acted. The boy never knew his father, his mother never spoke of him. Only saying that he had his emerald green eyes and body structure.

His red hair was long and curly, swept messily to the side of his face. His skin was shockingly pale, his face deadly calm. He was wearing jeans and a grey shirt. His feet were bare so he had more traction while he was crawling. The boy was dangerously intelligent for an 8 year old, so he knew that something was going on.

His mother never paid him much attention, brushing him off to watch his older cousin, Arne. He was the son of Thor and Jane, and was heir to the throne of Asgard, but that was when Thor was crowned king and that would be in a couple of years, so he's heard, that is. He had magic, it was practically impossible for him to not to. His parents were sorcerers; he found that out by eavesdropping. He was his father's son. He remembered when he learned how to make a solid illusion after a couple of weeks studying and being only 5.

He had wanted to show his mother but Arne was learning how to use an axe and his mother was too busy watching him. "Mommy, look! I can do the illusion!" he had said, his mother paid no mind, he had said this several more times. But his mother had grounded him saying that he had to learn his manners and be like Arne. Different variations of this had happened over his lifespan, the 8 years that he has been alive.

 The boy had looked through many books in his mother's room trying to find anything about his father, but she had practically destroyed anything that would have shown any evidence of who his father is. But his mother had been acting a whole lot stranger than normal. She would barely look at him, the gears were turning in his mind. Running through different scenarios, what had come to mind was to eavesdrop on her. And that was what he was doing right now. There were sounds of loud voices that echoed through the vents;


"Lady Wanda calm down, if Loki finds out that he has a son he will go looking for him."


"Because if my brother found out and Anders wasn't here then Loki might try to turn him against us. You know how bad you have been treating him!"


Anders froze completely, that was why he was never liked. He was the son of Loki and a frost giant. That was why Thor gave him pitying looks when he thought Anders wasn't looking. That was why his mother liked Arne more than him because he wasn't a frost giant.

There were tears running down his cheeks, his mother never loved him because he was a monster, his own mother thought that he was a monster. He crawled back to his room, falling onto his bed with a thump! He sighed softly and rolled onto his stomach.

He buried his face into the blankets crying softly, suddenly he sat up again. Rubbing away the tears from his eyes there was a plan formulating in that brilliant young mind of his. He was going to run away. That was his plan. He packed some clothes into a duffel bag, his emerald green eyes still red from tears. There was no one that would miss him, that kept him from talking himself out of it.

The only person that he would actually miss was little Morgan Stark, she was kind to him and always asked him to sing or read her a story at bedtime. He would say one last goodbye before he left for good. There was his Uncle Clint though, who taught him how to use a bow, something he enjoyed besides throwing knives.

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