Chapter Two

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IT'S BEEN EIGHT YEARS SINCE ANDERS WAS PICKED UP BY FENRIR AND THE ALPHA PACK AND BECAME A WOLF. The Avengers were shocked when they found the note on his bed saying that he ran away, they searched for several weeks before coming to the conclusion that he was most likely dead. When in reality he was training in the arts of the wolf, he was a natural and quickly moving up the ranks. Becoming one of the most skilled warriors in the pack and settling on becoming the Alpha's Warrior. Basically he was sent on missions from the Alpha, from protecting the borders or accompanying Fenrir on trips to other realms for political reasons.

He was no longer that shy little boy from when he was little, he is 16 years old now and dangerous. He was able to take down the strongest of wolves when he was 12 years old and his intelligence made him a valuable part of attacks against the Rogues that wanted their territory. His magic powers have strengthened and matured, he used them to heal those who are wounded and calm the dominates that were riding the killing edge.

No longer small and thin, he was tall and lean. From frighteningly pale to tanned from the hours he trained in the sun of Norway. His shaggy red hair was combed neatly up and to the side. Once innocent emerald green eyes were sharp and filled with a raging flame. His wolf form was large and massive. Coming around to be 5 feet, the largest wolf which was Fenrir was a solid 6 and a half feet. The fur was the same color as his hair with a creamy underbelly.

His days all started the same, he awoke to the sound of the Alpha's call of morning. He sat up and the fur blankets from his bed pooled at his waist as he stretched his arms. He always slept in just sleep shorts, his toned upper body was bathed in the golden glow of morning. Rubbing his eyes of sleep he stood up. The silk pants he wore were taken off and folded in the dresser where he put his clothes. Then trading them for traditional clothes, leather black pants and shirts with red designs that were along the arms of the shirt and the pant legs. He wore a sheath for his long knife at his forearm, and black boots that made no noise as he traveled. He looked around the room that he had spent for almost 9 years now.

There was a bed that was horizontal and pushed to the back of his hut, a table that was at the center that had a journal on top. There was a small bookshelf filled with books that a wolf was supposed to be in possession of. Most of them were for children because they had old legends that were told to them, and there was a history book that told the history of the Alpha pack. Each wolf had a hut of his own when they reached the age of 13, though it would be close to the house of the parents. For there was still much they had to learn before they began the jobs they would serve within the pack.

Walking out of the hut that he had lived in for 8 years he breathed in the forest air, it was cool and crisp, that due to the cold gale that signaled winter was upon them. The huts were formed in a half moon formation, the Alpha's that was on the rock that overlooked all the huts of the wolves of the Alpha pack.

The pack was awake, as the Alpha's call of morning asks, they were bustling around. Some of them were farming the crops that would help feed the pack besides the rich meat of the elk, deer, and bison that would be the main source of food. There were merchants selling clothes, food, weapons and other things. Children that were following Beta Marie as they learned history, plant identification, history, among other things. Bettas like Marie would help teach the children the way of life in the pack. Some of the wolves greeted Anders warmly, he was well known for being the last descendant of the Ice Wolves.

That gave him high position and respect from the wolves, and being the Alpha's Warrior gave him higher status, he would be second in command if anything were to happen to the Alpha. He walked the dirt road on his way to the training grounds, he would train for an hour each day, as the highest warrior he was expected to be incredibly to fulfill his duties to the best of his ability. But before training he would have to eat something, it was important for a wolf to be well fed, shifting forms could take a lot of energy.

He walked over to a popular food vendor named Lily, she was a kind old woman that was great to be around and treated everyone like they were her children. Making sure that they were well fed and happy. Her honey brown hair was greying and was always pulled back in a braid that went in the middle of her back. She was dawned in a cotton dress that went to her feet, brown leather sandals, and a fur coat that protected her from the cold. She would sell things like rabbits and banana bread, which was extremely good. That was one of his favorite breakfast foods.

"Anders!" She greeted him warmly, he smiled and jogged over to her.

That was when he was met with a large hug, wolves are very physical beings always being in close contact with one another. Hugs were perfectly normal as a greeting, or for females a kiss on the cheek in thanks. Anders returned the older woman's hug and Lily pulled back and patted his cheek gently.

"You've been eating enough, right? Getting enough sleep? Remember not to overwork yourself." she says like a worried mother, which she practically was. Anders smiled fondly down at her, he had a soft spot for the woman, and her for him. She was one of the wolves that helped raise him.

"Of course, Mother Lily." Anders answered.

"Good, now what can I get you, wait don't answer that. The banana bread, again?" she asks him, busying herself with making the bread. Anders nodded and handed a couple of gold coins for payment. For currency there were three coins, gold, silver, and bronze. There were 3 silver coins for one gold, and 5 bronze coins for a single coin. The kind, old woman shakes her head and pushes his hand back towards him saying that she doesn't need it. Anders kisses her cheek in thanks for the bread and walking toward the training grounds.

The training grounds were in a meadow, there were creeks and small waterfalls with rocks and trees making an obstacle course of sorts. There was a mat closer to the trees where sparring took place. Anders had spent most of his younger years learning how to fight, it was something all wolves had to know, from the tallest dominant to the shiest submissive. Anders was a strong dominant who could command all wolves below his status. He only did that if they were in danger and being stubborn, where he was trying to save their lives. The only he bowed down to was Fenrir, but all wolves regardless had to bow down to him. He was the Alpha of all wolves including the God of all Wolves.

"Anders!" a voice called, he looked to the source of the sound and a grin split across his face when he saw it was Daniel, the wolf that he would consider his brother, and best friend.

"What's up Danny?" he asks, teasing him slightly, Daniel hated that nickname, also Anders coming up with that made it even more annoying. Brotherly love. Daniel was about a year older, him being 17 years old.

"Yeah, yeah Anny. Are you ready for training? We got to beat Marco and Charlie, today. You know how much they hate us so they're going to play dirty. Listen I know that you alway play fair but today is not the case." Daniel explains, Marco and Charlie were both 17 and hated the two of them with a burning passion. They had always been in the same class, but there was a lot of rivalry. They were jealous of Anders, with him getting to as high of a standard as he had and they would become normal foot soldiers. They wanted fame and they wanted glory, something that Anders had.

"Alright, but answer me this; Did they issue a challenge again? Wanting our position, again?" Anders asked, they always challenged Anders and Daniel for their positions because if they won then they would get that status and they would get Charlie and Marco's status. Daniel rolled his eyes in response.

"What do you think, Anny?" he asked sarcastically, Anders laughed again and they began their warm up drills. Working on their footwork and movements, these drills were something that all wolves learned and knew by heart regardless of their age. Soon it was time. They had a challenge to answer and some ass to kick.

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