Chapter Six

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 THE WOLVES WALK OUT INTO THE LIGHTS, ANDERS LOOKED AROUND AND NOTICED THE AVENGERS SITTING ATTENTIVELY, THEY WANTED TO SEE HOW THE 16 YEAR OLD HAD GROWN UP, AND HOW HE COULD FIGHT NOW. Anders unsheathed his sword and walked carefully studying him, the sword up and in ready position. Daniel held his axe in one hand as he prowled toward the two other wolves carefully. With one more seconds of silence the battle commenced, metal clashed against metal. Anders was taking on Marco, he was a big hulking brute of a wolf.

His muscles were abnormally large and were covered with scars and tattoos trying to show off to the females. Dark brown hair was at a buzz cut, his face was the same as his chest, ugly and covered with scars. Anders stole a glance to see how Daniel was doing before he waited for Marco to strike. Anders ducked as he dodged an attempt to impale him with his spear. He danced around several more attempts to hit him before he actually started fighting and he would make the people who trained him proud with how well he fought.

He grabbed his fist easily squeezing it, with a loud snap, his fist was broken. He punched him in the chest and did the thigh grip of death sending him tumbling to the ground with a grunt. He yelped as he was tackled to the ground by Charlie, he was able to glance at Daniel who was knocked out with blood coming out of a wound on his forehead. The fight wasn't over until both wolves were down on one side. Marco was standing up with a growl and stalking toward him, he grinned this was going to be fun. He dodged a puch from Marco and kicked him in the face. Then sliding underneath Charlie and kicking his feet out from under sending him tumbling to the ground. He rolled to his feet and sent the winning punch to Marco. Both wolves were on the ground in pain and Fenrir's voice echoed through the arena.

"It's not over yet, Andy!" came a snarl from Charlie there was his axe in his hand as he was going to hit Daniel. Then he moved on pure instinct running at Charlie turning into a wolf. He launched himself at the axe and the blade embedded itself into his shoulder instead of Daniel's neck. He roared in pain, before turning back into a human. Blood was pouring out of his right shoulder and he felt light headed but there was something that he needed to do first, and that was to kill the two wolves in his vicinity. He killed Marco first by slitting his throat and letting his corpse fall to the ground. Next was Charlie but he was going to make him suffer.

" I won't kill you yet. Not until I make you suffer, slowly intimately in every way I know you fear. And when I stop long enough to see my good work, and when you scream, I'll split your skull! This is a promise, you mewling quim!" he says in a malicious purr. Tracing the knife along his throat, Charlie looks at him fearfully. And he made good to his promise, children left because of his demand and those that wanted to watch stayed. As they watched Anders literally dissect the wolf in front of him. Cutting out all of his organs and tearing him apart. This was something called Alpha's Fury, when something or someone an Alpha cares about is hurt they lose any sort of control and kill anyone that sided with said person that hurt what they cared for. Through his furious state he could hear Fenrir demand for an Omega to try and calm him. But instead he heard Morgan's voice trying to soothe him, to tame his fire.

"Anders, it's ok, he's dead now. You killed him, you protected him. But now you don't need to fight. Let's get that shoulder looked at, yeah?" Anders looked down at her and nodded slowly. The fury of the wolf tamed by the girl in front of her. One thought trailed through his mind, mate!

"Will he make it to the healer's hut?" came Fenrir's voice, there was a chorus of answers but he held up his hand up in silence and turned to look at someone. "Listen to me, Prince, you put a sleeping spell on him so we can heal him. It will be better for him to be unconscious."

He felt a cold hand on his forehead and he looked to his father, then there was a calming wave that came over him and his vision blurred, and a warm voice that bid him gently; "Rest, my son. You did well, now rest and let them take care of you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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