Feminine Rage

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Maybe I'm such a devout feminist

because I was raised in a culture

where misogyny was present in every step.

Perhaps I'm tired of hearing my mother

say "if you were a son" as if I was

born female just to spite her. Perhaps

it's the words "You can't leave the

house in the dark" during early winter

nights when sunlight fades by 5

and the day is stretched long ahead of 

me, yet tinted with the insinuation

that I will be assaulted anywhere and

everywhere I choose to go alone. Perhaps

I don't want to believe that all of 

my problems will be solved by a husband

who can swoop in and save the day

because I do not have the mental capacity

to solve them myself.

(Do ovaries cancel out brain cells?)

Perhaps it's just the influence of

feminist propaganda in western culture,

and I am just a sheep with no

free will in the matter.

Whatever the case, I like to say

that I can do anything a 

man can do and more, but it's

hard to be powerful when anxiety claws at my throat 

every time I want my voice to be heard.

When the weight of other people's

attention makes me want to cower,

sometimes collapse, because I cannot

physically handle it.

How can you work from the

sidelines and still make a difference --

still prove to people that you're 

as significant as the rest of them

(that is to say, equally insignificant).

How to prove I am just as capable

when the situation demands -- not

as a man, not as a woman,

but as a human?

fragmentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora