-i-n-s-e-c-u-r-i-t-y- acceptance

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This self-confidence flakes away

Vanishing slowly to the sky

starved for attention

But too scared to take a bite

So sorry for the texts

That only served to deceive

Couldn't tell if my feelings atrophied

Or if I just got cold feet.

My imagination tends to sprint

Runs wild at first glance

for the Unattainable

With whom I have no chance

Wanna feel my fingers in your hair

And your eyes on my skin

I'll rot myself in this fantasy

If it's the only you I'll win.

Never learned to love

Never had courage to test it

But I'll chip at my own bark

to keep your flame brightly lit

I've run from the very few

Who sought to win my heart

wary of misplaced affection

Not ready to fall apart.

well-acquainted with self-sabotage

She creeps up on me daily

With the daily dose of "lower your gaze"

"What-if"s "no way"s and "maybe"s

seen so few flourish from love

While most seem to crumble

Infatuation is a tempestuous thing

Delicate ground to make you stumble.

I think I know what I want

Even if it changes by the hour

Sometimes you flash through my head

Consistency I want to devour

It's your sunflower hair

And that needle-sharp wit

Idealizing you in my mind

To avoid finding a true fit.

Not much here to offer

Lacking beauty and boldness

Not much of a scholar

This brain a heaping scattered mess

But instead of seeking it elsewhere

Best to direct that love inward

Learn to respect my own self

Before my own self is withered.

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