( Prologue )

754 19 23

Everyone has secrets.

"Whoa guys, check this out!" A boy with particularly unique locks of yellow marched up to the following grouped students, extending his hand quite energetically as stemmed from his typically gregarious character. "Kamui woods and Mount. Lady apparently have some scandal goin' on!"

Yet, sometimes others are better at hiding them.

Some of his classmates showed interest, and others retorted by the firm cross of their arms as a result. "Come on Kaminari, now's not the time to start feeding into rumors." An attractive girl with pink hair leaned in, snatching his device to which Kaminari shuddered.

"Hey, give that back!" He shouted, ultimately tuned out from the pinkette's ears. And although Ashido had just encouraged his attention, as well as free time to coincide elsewhere, she couldn't resist reading the article about the said well-known heroes. For now her expression was quite content, nearly even hard to discern-- before she returned the male's phone.

"Hmm, I was going to just shrug it off as a rumor, but.." Kaminari who looked completely abandoned only a second ago had lit up in a mere instant, nodding his head in agreement while a snicker of his ended up following. "Someone even snagged a photo of them with their hands holding! So much as a secret, huh?"

Another classmate had overheard this, in fact she was right amongst them. Notably however, she was nothing but a floating uniform existing nonchalantly. If not for her invisibility quirk, someone would've clearly been able to catch wind of her rather disappointed expression.

"Are you sure it wasn't photoshopped, Kaminari..?"

"W-Well--! I'm just sayin' these images look like the real deal!"

UA High's class 1-A. It was quite the prestigious academy, one that garnered and shaped many heroes who turned out to be the icon they are today, just like All Might. Though, these teenagers all of different personalities, shapes, and strengths created the basic foundation of the class itself. And needless to say, everyone's lives changed at this particular fate. Who knows what had triggered such insanity in the near future, in fact; that would be of least concern.

The voices proceeded to extend into the backgrounds as an individual sat alone, tucked at a desk and fingers tapping the device steadily in their hold. Even the faintest movement from the student led to eyes being glued on like they were captivated, however for some; it'd been the opposite. Intimidation weighed down on the room in a matter of seconds, and the one who decidedly spoke up out of instinct was Tokoyami Fumikage, who resided calmly sitting on top his desk with his forearm propped up on his knee.

"Will some of you stop looking at [L/N] like she's going to kill you? I can assure you that she wouldn't hurt a fly." He reassured, leading a girl with jet-black hair that perfectly aligned with the dark hue of her eyes to confirm. "Yeah, how many times do I have to remind you how much of a softie she is? We're best friends after all." Jiro scratched her head, seeing as the reminder she had put in place had little to no effect on a coward like Kaminari.

He sauntered right up to Jiro and grabbed her shoulders, clenching them with weak legs. "E-Exactly! She wouldn't hurt a fly-- but she'd exterminate us instead! In a matter of seconds, actually!!!" The blonde now shaking her violently, other classmates tried to ease him yet to no avail. "Do you have a death wish, anyway? What if she managed to hear you?!" Kaminari had released her and leaned to whisper, currently pinning his eyes onto the-not-so distant stranger.

Jiro, currently completely speechless from his cowardice and lack of mental strength, had flashed her classmate a look of doubt and then urged her thumb into the said direction. "Dude, you're still afraid of her? And if it makes it any better for you... she's wearing earbuds at the moment." Relief collapsed after piling on his shoulders. If she hadn't said that, he was certain that he and especially Minoru Mineta would've had a panic attack. Just look at him, he was already trembling at his seat as we speak!

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