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Chapter 5

"...She's going to be executed??!"

Mineta bursts out loudly in a panic. The terror of his statement quickly reached the ears of others-  and unsuprisingly, he'd change the algorithm of the room; inspiring horror, shock, and disbelief from all over the place. You simply sat there after you lowered your hands from covering your ears, eyes wide while you processed the unsavory intensity of death which was soon to come. Something about this awful tension made you dread your future.

That being said, the entirety of Class 1-A stared at Ashido, one of the many volunteers who gladly bolted onto that stage with not a single ounce of thought. Unfortunately, her energetic characteristic is what lead her to this stomach-wrenching moment. With that thick rope laced around her neck, you could clearly see that she was weak in the knees and trembling erratically..despite that confident smile she'd wore to ease the burden.

"This just has to be one sick prank... I-I'm sure there's a hidden camera somewhere!" Said Koda, chewing onto his fingernails anxiously. "There's no way we're just gonna watch people die!" Well you know what they say- ignorance, truly, is bliss.

From the room full of loud shrieking, to just about everyone instilled with both panic and fear-you lowered your head and bit your lower lip hard enough you thought you were drawing blood. This is crazy. No, more than just crazy... this is insanity. Who on earth would want to watch their friends die? Helplessly? Anyone who begs to differ is either mentally challenged or an outright psychopath!

What broke everyone out of their state of shameless panic was this unfamiliar whirring sound, similar to a machine- and coming down above all six players standing alone was a timer currently halted at five minutes. It was large, at least enough to see the numbers in bold as clear as day. And with that, the feminine voice spoke once more-the intercoms promptly relaying her speech.

"The rules of hangman goes as follows: each team must guess what word the volunteer has been given. The first team to guess correctly moves on to the next game, however, you only have seven chances to guess incorrectly before losing becomes inevitable."

"Do whatever means necessary to win."

After that, a reverberating buzz jolted Uraraka out of her skin- signifying the start to this horrendous game. The timer wasted no time in counting down from five minutes- and because of the subtle clicking noise that was made with every passing second.. everyone was finally pushed to silence. Perhaps it occurred to everyone here that this was no longer a joke, but harsh reality.

"Let the game commence."

Ashido looked as pale as a ghost, and she would've remained frozen in fear of not for one of the minions in red jumpsuits coming forward with the white board once more as if to remind her that this situation was, as harsh as it sounds, very real. She was still very involved in this game. Just like the rest who got onto the other stages, she had to act out what word she'd been given.. almost like charades. The pinkette was quite stiff at first, first fidgeting with her clammy hands before breathing in a deep inhale, and then out.

That's right.. in order to win this, you must maintain a levelled head. Panic won't get you anywhere in the long run.

The rope wasn't too short or too long, so Ashido could move with ease if she so wanted to. Keeping that in mind, she took a few steps closer to her audience and started messing around with the rope, seemingly intentionally, as though it were a tie. Because of the faint detail, Mineta was quick to jump out out of his seat impulsively. He couldn't bare to think; he just wanted this nightmare done and over with. "Worker! No, you're working! O-Or, a business man??" With his three answers came a blaring noise from your team's point counter, currently appearing in more bold letters beneath the timer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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