( The start )

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Bakugou really wasn't around after all. You and your classmates had wondered if he didn't decide to participate in this game at all, after all you could distinctly remember that he wasn't in the living room along with every one else during your deduction earlier.

That said, Ashido became concerned, "I hope he's alright..." She mumbled, leading Yaoyorozu to nod her head in agreement. Your discussion with your classmates didn't go a long way, in fact it lasted only ten minutes or so due to the sound of the corridors lunging open on it's steely hinges.

Naturally, everyone would look over, and nearly half of you were put off because of what you saw; a group marching into the room in an accurate line. They were in red jumpsuits, and their faces were masked by black masks holding a triangular shape to it. Unfortunately enough you couldn't distinguish their genders at all, unless you were to look closely enough. They would line up with their backs against the wall, as silent as a mouse, while another one of their comrades entered. This one was significantly different however, seeing as their mask had a square entitled to it.

When they stopped at the center of the platform, all of you began to collectively gather up since it seemed as though important information was at hand. Jiro stood next to you, worriedly giving you a glance while your eyes were focused ahead. Kaminari also stood along your right side, attaching his hand to his hip. "Something about these guys are weird..." He mumbled.

A voice had suddenly been projected and resounded within the wide walls of the small room all of you were in. Obviously, it had an autotune to conceal it's true tone, yet the voice gave you an abrupt and strange welcoming. "Welcome, players. We're aware that some of you might be in a panic, and before we begin we'd like to address that. This game is designed for you; people with quirks, and not the quirkless."

A silent minion had approached, holding a slim and silver tray in his hands. With little effort acknowledged, he offered it to the square-masked instructor with no words exchanged. He took it, as predicted-- and now what was in the mysterious person's hands was a syringe with its content colored blue. "You see, our world is becoming a shapeless society becoming overpopulated with these strange and uncanny abilities. We simply wish to dwindle down the statistics a little more."

He then lifted the syringe up high, presenting it to all of you so it can be clear to see. "...Only the winner will be able given the opportunity to have their quirk fully restored by the end of this week."

That said, the room bursted with objections from every corner, the majority being incomprehensible-- because of the rampaging loudness of people trying to overlap one another's voices.

"Stealing quirks?! That's unfair!!"

"You've got no right to do this!"

"Give us our quirks back!"

"You guys are politically insane!!!"

In spite of the obnoxious noise, the leader had continued calmly, leading everyone to quiet down. "We've nullified your quirks for the purpose of the fun that we have for you. We will return your quirks as soon as we decided a winner. That being said.." The antidote was placed right back against the tray, and using his hand he would raise his fist. "All of you were selected for one of two reasons."

"One." He lifted an index finger. "You were recommended to partake by someone you may know," What followed his index finger would be his ring finger. "Or two."

"We are aware of your deepest secrets."

His arms would then cross behind his back, not at all phased by the reactions of whispers and stunned faces by those in the crowd. Little to all of your knowledge-- his eyes scanned each and one of you carefully. "Now, you all may have questions and even feel threatened by this information, but please note that restoring your quirk will not be the only compensation for participating."

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