( Slumber )

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For the most part, you aroused the look of suspicion due to how frantic you were. Your classmates were skeptic, and they were painfully aware that you were getting stressed out. Todoroki, who already pieced everything together, looked down at his device and did something strangely out of character for someone like him. 

His thumb tapped the screen, and upon doing so you had snapped out of your nervous daze once Yaoyorozu approached. Worry was evident in her eyes as she knitted her raven brows together. "[L/N]... That look on your face... You seem stressed. Do you want to talk about anything?"

You pursed your lips, the impulse to take a step back taking hold of your body. Yet by the time you knew it, you felt your back thud against someone's soft chest-- you could tell by their presence alone that they were much taller than you.

Todoroki had ended up circling right around you once the both of you accidentally made contact for only a split second, he knew very well what mental state you were in; your inability to even speak caused him to step in announced. He looked around the common area, his aim being to catch the attention of every student present.

"Jiro is missing." He calmly stated. Everyone froze up, including you. It was like the seriousness of this situation burned deeply into your skull. He lifted his phone, showing off the link he had clicked from his anonymous messenger to his classmates in which he trusted. "..And I think I know why."

Those who had recognized what was on screen had stepped up, the first being Mina Ashido who showed no hesitation. "Wait, you two received that message too? I thought it was only me.." One by one, more students began to crowd the area. You were baffled from such things that transpired.

That means... everyone in class 1-A was blackmailed by their unspeakable truth.

You clenched your fists. Who was behind this? Why were they controlling you just for a stupid game? When you stared at your phone, you yourself ended up clicking on the hyperlink to have been redirected to a website.

It looked rather boring, all that resided on the screen had been a single message that made your soul tremble.

Do you wish to participate in the Squid Game?

[Yes] or [No]

You shot your [E/C] hues up to the concerned looks of your friends. Right now, the game itself wasn't on your mind. In fact, it was the least of your concern. You were wondering what had happened to Jiro, and if checking on her health meant participating, then so be it.

It's just a game, how hard could it be?

Clicking yes, you expelled a heavy sigh, gripping your phone tightly. "..Everyone, I'm also joining. I have to make sure Jiro is okay. Besides, she sucks at playing simple games, so I'll have to look after her." You said honestly. Still, something about accepting this left a sour taste in your mouth.

Kaminari looked down, and then right back up to you. "Well, I guess that settles it. If our polar bear is going, then I'll be doing the same too. Jiro would definitely kill me if i didn't, anyway." Your classmates made way for the blond so he could take you and Todoroki's side.

"Ah... You really didn't have to," You said, nonetheless bowing your head. "I didn't mean to make this a debate of choosing sides.. It's okay if the rest of you would rather stay here." With your neutral attempt to give everyone freedom of thought, for others it seemed like it blew out the other ear.

"Why would I pass this up? It sounds like fun!" Butted in Hagakure, sweeping her feet over to join. With every minute, came another participant. And by the time you knew it, only one student had remained standing there; Izuku Midoriya.

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