Breaking the seal & heart of a titan

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After getting back to the ship, me and zym laid down on the deck to take a nap. It seemed like his little adventure had tired the little dragon out. Soon enough, the ship was once again sailing and rayla was yet again puking down the side of the ruthless.
"Ah yes, the smell of land" the captain began.
"Sweet, sweet land." Rayla said excited
"Woohoo!" Wooped ezran.
"Let him finish." The bird interrupted.
"The feint, distang smell of land that is."
"There it is..." i said annoyed.
Rayla looked disappointed and went back to her puking.
"About a full day of sailing ahead until we reach the shore."
I sighed.
"Well zym, want to go count clouds again?" Ezran asked the baby dragon
He only got a yawn and some snoring as a reply.
"Or we could nap." Ezran said disappointed.
"Sorry ez, but baby dragons need their sleep." I said taking him back.
I set zym down, turned back to my dragon form, and layed down behind him. Zym stood up, turned around a few times and cuddled himself under my wing. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Youre such a baby"
I didnt get a reply.
Laying my head on my paws and curling my tail around us, i went back to sleep.
Surprisingly this time, my nightmares were different. Instead of the usual nightmares about viren and my dad's death, this time, i dreamt about a memory.
It wasn't very long before my dad was killed. But it almost felt as if i was just a baby in that memory. It was the first time I saw what humans were capable of.
I had been accompanying my father on his patrols for that whole week. He said that he wanted to teach me how to be a great dragon, but i suspect he just wanted company as mom was busy growing an egg.
We were flying past the border at dawn when father noticed something. He told me to stay circling above and not to land for any reason. I was scared, but father assured me it would all be fine.
Looking down I noticed movement. There were humans in xadia. And they were taking something with them.
Dad went after them with a storm booming behind him. He roared loudly and dove as two humans strated charging him. He tried blasting them with thunder a few times but each time the elusive humans and their horses would scammer away only to come back and try to hurt him once again.
"Dad!" I yelled diving toward him, but before i could get too far he yelled for me to get back.
A human mage tried to sneak up on him but dad noticed him. He cast a spell and froze father's head to the ground.
I was terrified but i wasn't about to abandon my father. I dove towards the human and pinned him down but before i could go back and save my father, the two humans and their horses rushed him again.
Father broke free of the ice and roared at me.
"Run away!" He said, "go back to the spire and wait for me there!"
I wanted to run away so bad, but i knew i couldn't abandon my father.
Father turned around and slammed the two humans away with his tail as he grabbed me with his mouth and pushed me away.
"Stay!" He commanded as he turned around and went back to the battle.
I didn't see what happened next, but I could only imagine.
Father came back to me and flew me home. I knew he was angry at me but even now, I dont regret a second of that day.
For the first time in a long time, i actually woke from my sleep refreshed. And surprisingly enough, i now had two babies curled up under my wings, Zym, and Ezran.
Callum aproached us with bait in his arms and the two babies woke up.
Callum suddenly hugged Ezran.
"What was that for?" Ezran asked
"Youre my brother, and you mean everything to me."
"Is this a trick?"
Callum chuckled.
"No. I just love you."
"Well i love you too." Ezran replied.
Zym yiped by my side and i gave him a dragony kiss before transforming back.
"So are we there yet? Are we close?" Ezran asked.
The captain audibly sniffed the air.
"We are close. I smell land!" He stated.
Suddenly, a shadow covered the ship and as soon as it came, it went.
"Hey, what was that? A shadow?" Rayla asked
"Eh, youre asking the wrong pirate" the captain replied
"There is something up there." Rayla said
"Not just something, thats a dragon." I replied.

An: welp, heres some payment for the wait, two chapters/three episodes in one day. Life has been crazy but instead of catching up on the stuff i have fallen behind in, i decided to write fanfiction during a 3 hour plane ride. You are welcome. Enjoy!

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