Chapter 20 ~ Orphaned Part 1

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"Eventually settling in a small town in Northern California, this family used their wealth to rebuild the community around them while remaining isolated from it. This was sometimes more a choice than a necessity as not all of their children would become werewolves. The ones that did, these born wolves, had to be trained. They needed to learn control. They had a practice from the training of Betas. 

The tradition passed out through generations, and involved the use of a sacred object called a Triskelion,".

 Numerous bodies littered the road, cars deserted and on fire, bullets scattered around along with the guns.

"Without control Violence Extreme violence Is inevitable."

"Big fancy guns. Coded death lists. So-called assassins," Kate's voice rung out as she slowly walked through the disaster. Weaving through the dead corpses and guns. "And not one of you can answer the simplest question," she said.

A man was in the hold of a berserker, up in the air. The man groaned in pain.

"Who's paying the bills? So I'll ask again. Who is The Benefactor?" Kate asked, her face covered in blood.

"I swear to God I've never seen him, never spoken to him," the man replied, obviously scared.

"I know. See, everybody says the same thing. They don't know who he is. Where he is," replied Kate. "It's all done electronically. I can't help you. Please, I'm bleeding to death. Please stop, it hurts," Kate mocked.

"Then what do you want with me?" he asked.

 "It's been a long time since someone's made me a mix tape," she told him, holding it up. "You got one too, didn't you?"

 "No, no But I But I know who did. They look like kids. Like teenagers," the man panted. "They're called The Orphans," he said.

 A gunshot rung through the hair, making Kate cry out and turn around, looking for the one who had shot her. A man was still alive. He continued to shoot, only for it to be empty, so only clicking sounds were heard. The bloddied man tried as quickly as he could to reload the gun, only to be too late. Kate took her gun and pointed it at him. She was about to pull the trigger when she cried out again. Her hands began to shake as she dropped to the ground. She had started to change, her skin turned to blue with black markings, her teeth sharp and her eyes a gleaming green. She growled and roared before clawing the man. His screams fading out with each swipe.

Kate turned to the other man in the Berserker's grasp. "Wait! Wait! I'll tell you about them. I'll tell you everything. Just wait," he cried. Kate roared and walked towards him. She pulled him from the Berserker's grasp and began ripping into his flesh as she snarled.

When Kate pulled away, she looked around while slowly shifting back. There was a hiss, which put Kate and her Berserkers on alert. Her Berserkers getting into protective stance, pulled out their bone knives. Kate rose her gun.

 Another hiss, this time closer.

 "What does not show at night, nor at noon? What grows and shrinks throughout the arch?"

 Kate looked around frantically. "Who said that?" she asked raising her gun.

 "Answer the riddle!"

 The voice snapped angrily.

 "Umm..." Kate trailed. She thought the answer in her head, and before she could say it, the voice spoke.

 "Hmm, smarter than you look,"

 It had read her mind.

 "Only come out at dark, no sign during day. Sunlight burns, but shadows do not. Coals that gleam red and see your every move. Deemed as evil, and Evil we are. Forced to the depths of Hell. No longer allowed to face the light. What are we?"

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