Chapter 9 ~ The True Power

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"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."

                                                                                        -- Arnold Schwarzenegger

"LET ME GO!" she screamed. Trapped within her own mind, she had nowhere to go. She was losing and she hated it. She hated watching as innocent people were killed, hated how her family was attacked. No, she couldn't stand it. She had to face it; she had to figure out a way out, a way to stop this brutality.

However she was stronger than this and that is why she was picked. She was stronger than she thought. She was the Alpha, she wouldn’t surrender.

Then suddenly, visions began to flash through her mind.
(Italics = poem ------- Bold =Visions/Flashbacks....FYI)

The land burns in flames

Fire burns around the small little girl with unique eyes.

Trees fall to the ground,
as the homes of the living burn

She looks around frantically, nothing is safe, everything is aflame.

And slowly, Darkness falls
Ashes hover in the air like that of flies

Nothing was left…..nothing

Killing all hopes and dreams
Until nothing is left,
But a barren waste land

Everything is lost…….there’s no hope

Red colored against the wall,
Like that of splattered paint

All she can see is red. It’s everywhere, all around the little girl. She cries as she looks around frantically.

Fills the cracks of the streets,
Making a river of red

The streets were filled with blood. The blood from the innocent.

The sun is demolished,
No more light is left,
But only the shadowing darkness
That looms over the world

The sky was dark, there was no sun. The ashes prevented any sunlight from reaching the town in which she lived.

Flowers wither and die
Their color fading with death
The Earth cracks like shattered glass
Rain pounds on the earth like a beaten drum 

The flowers were dead; they hadn’t any water, only the taste of the warm red liquid.

The world is dead, the world has withered
Nothing left, but the stone cold power of hate and despair
Souls cry out in pain
But no one can hear, for the world is dead 

Hate, that’s all she could feel, all she could hear, all she could smell. Hate. There was no longer hope, not for them. And all she could hear were their cries, their souls yearning for revenge and power….

Howls of pain
Slithering hisses
The clinking of dark swords
And the sounds of guns
Growls of boney terror
And purrs of death
Screams of future
As the elemental auras fade
Chaos has come again

No matter what,
There will always be darkness
But with the darkness,
There will always be light

Unknown to all, she would be the one to live. She would protect them, protect them all. Until her last breath. She will be the speck of light within the darkness.

But I can promise you this!
The wolf in me!
Shall never bow,
Nor ever lose its pride 

“But I can promise you this! The wolf in me! Shall never bow, Nor ever lose its Pride!” she started talking out loud, gaining

 It will stand to the end,
It will fight and never give up!
Because we!......we are stronger together! 

She raised her head up, her eyes gleaming a brilliant blood red. Fangs sprouted from her gums as her nails grew to sharp deadly claws.

Because she….has
Evolved into the true defender of all

She would protect everyone. She will protect those who need it. She will protect her friends and family. Derek, Natalie, Drake and Lucas, Connor, Stiles, Scott, Lydia, everyone

Because she is the true Alpha!

She broke the chains and landed on the floor. With broken chains still attached to her wrists, she stood up and let out the fierce howl of that of an Alpha.

Akuma’s eyes widened as her face lit up with anger. “Impossible!” she growled with anger.

Jessie rose to the ground. Blood ran down her wrists from the chains, but she did not care, for she was strong.

Akuma growled, baring her fangs and flashing her eyes. Jessie did the same, except when she growled, light began to appear behind her. Akuma screeched and backed away, she had no choice but to escape, so that’s what she did. Slowly, Akuma pulled herself away from Jessie’s body.

Now Jessie was back in control of her own body and Akuma was right in front of her. Akuma looked exactly like Jessie, except her eyes were darker. “Hmm, you’re stronger than I anticipated,” Akuma observed. Jessie didn’t reply, she only shot forward and attacked. With inhuman speed Jessie ran at Akuma. "So you think you are strong enough to beat me?" Akuma asked, but Jessie didn't answer.

Jessie managed to lead Akuma to the Tree of Life. Akuma, however was too blinded by rage to notice where they were at.

 Akuma attacked Jessie, and once again the forces between the living and the dead rose up. The power between good and evil would soon reveal which was stronger, which was fed more power.





A/N: Hey everyone, so here's the next chapter. Hope you enjoy, gave you a little cliff hanger, you're welcome ;)

Whoever gets stanza 7 and knows what each line is will have this chapter deticated to them :)

So the poem in this story is MY poem. It's my work and if ANYONE plagiarizes my poem, I will report you and you'll have a very angry author! So please, no one plagiarize, that goes for everyone, including me.

Thank you to all who've read ROTA and voted. And please, read, vote and comment :)

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