Chapter 1 ~ Reuniting and Feelings

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A family is a risky venture, because the greater the love, the greater the loss... That's the trade-off. But I'll take it all.

~~Brad Pitt

Jessie's POV

It's been 2 weeks since I left Beacon Hills. I had begun traveling with Connor, looking for supernaturals that needed shelter, a safe place to live in, a home.

I missed Beacon Hills, I missed Derek and the others. Even though Derek broke my heart, I can never stop loving him. Scott and I texted every day, and sometimes we would Skype, so I could see the others. He told me everything had so far happened.

Scott, Stiles and Allison had opened a door in their mind. Stiles was having nightmares, Scott was having trouble controlling his werewolf, and Allison was seeing her dead Aunt.

It also turns out that Lydia is a Banshee.

As for me, I have changed. I wasn't the scared little girl I used to be, I wasn't like a glass moon that would break at one little touch.

No I was strong and brave. I was now 18. My birthday was the lunar eclipse. Anywho, Connor and I walked through my old village that was once my home. Dozens of houses were demolished from the fire. We walked the the center of the village. The wolf fountain was the only thing that was still in tact.

"It's terrible, isn't it," my uncle's voice came. I turned as he stood beside me.

"I don't understand how they could do this. I mean this entire village was innocent, why?" I asked him.

"Hunters don't know the line between right and wrong," Duke added.

"I miss them. I miss mom and dad. Natalie, Drake and Lucas," I whispered.

"Hmm, well then, maybe this will cheer you up," Deucalion said. I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. Deucalion just turned around and began walking to my old house. I followed him, confused of what was going on. Deucalion led me to the basement where his gaze went somewhere else in the room. Still confused, I followed his gaze and what I saw made my heart stop.

There, stood a large beige wolf with yellow eyes.

"Luc--Lucas?" I asked in disbelief. It's ears flicked forward at his name, and then he growled. "You're alive?" I asked. I took a step forward, only he growled at me.

He didn't know who I was.

"Why isn't he changing?" I asked.

"He reverted back to their animal mode after the fire. He's wild, that's why we need the chains," Deucalion said. I noticed chains were wrapped around his neck, paws and body.

"How does he change back?" I asked.

"You must figure that out for yourself," Deucalion replied.

"Okay, then where's Natalie? Drake?" I asked.

"Drake is dead, Natalie, I'm not sure of. They never found her bdy, only the necklace," Connor replied.

"Natalie, please, be alive," I whispered.

Natalie's POV

I hung from a chain link fence, my wrists locked up in silver chains covered in wolfsbane. Fortunately, I wasn't the only one who had been caught. So I wasn't alone. There was a guy that looked about 20-25 and the other, well he looked older, but I'm not sure how old. They both were hot though, I'll tell you that.

"Why are you looking at me like this is my fault?" the older guy asked.

"Because it is your fault," the younger guy replied before they were shocked again. "Yeah, you're probably right," the older replied. They were shocked again, causing the lights to flicker. Both of them groaned in pain.

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