Chapter 27 ~ Doors will open

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Hello everybody, here's the next chapter, enjoy :)

Hunters *Radio Conv*

*I found the beast, it's in the old ironworks factory*

*Surround it, then use everything you got. Don't let it escape. Kill it*

The hunters stood around the beast, guns ready for fire as they surrounded it.

*Beast has been surrounded*

*Light it up*

Gun fire started, bullets raining down on the cold hard ground. The beast disappeared, but not without being wounded.

"Where did it go?"

*Keep your eyes on the lookout, it's here somewhere and injured*

*I found it! (gun shots) It's...(growls).. It's....(man screams).....(static)*

Another scream started, but quickly faded. The hunters looked around, scared for their lives.

The red hazed vision walked, looking at the hunters from the darkness. They didn't know where the beast was, but it knew where they were. It could hear as their heartbeats pounded against their chest, wanting to break free it seemed. Their breaths rigged in fear as they turned at every sound. Sweat pouring from their head in fear as their hands shook with fright.

The red hazed vision raced towards one. The hunter turned but before he could comprehend what was happening, claws had sliced his throat wide open.

One by one the screams sounded and guns fired, it was like an alarm going off. It was a surprise that no one heard them.

A cluster of fifteen bodies littered the ground, bloody and shredded.

*Code 3, all units to the old ironworks factory, all units to the old ironworks factory* the radio was heard in the distance. The beast looked behind just as the Sherriff's car pulled up. He jumped out with his gun aimed at the beast. He slightly lowered it, to take a better look. "Jessie?" he asked. His eyes followed down to what it held in its hand. The beast followed it's gaze.

The spinal cord and skull of one of its victims hung loosely from its claws. The beast smiled with a wolfish grin and stood proud and tall before throwing the skull still attached to the spinal cord at the sheriff's feet.

With eyes wide in terror, the Sherriff started at the scratched up and bloodied bones with a little bit of flesh still on it. When he looked back up, she was gone. He immediately took his phone out and dialed the first person that came to mind.

"Derek, I saw her, get to the ironworks now, you might want to see this," he said before hanging up, not wanting to say anymore.

In a couple minutes they were all here: Derek, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Kira, Malia, Natalie, Lucas, Drake and even Peter. "We have to hurry, backup is coming."

"What happened?" Stiles asked with horror.

"This wasn't Jessie, this couldn't have been," Derek denied as he stared at the bodies. Lydia suddenly walked forward. "Lydia, what are you doing?" Stiles asked, shouting a bit.

Lydia ignored him and continued forward. She stopped in the middle of the bodies and began slowly turning around, looking terrified at each of them. "They form a shape," Lydia said.

"A shape?" Malia questioned.

"A spiral..." Lydia muttered.

"Lydia!" Stiles shouted. Before she could ask what, she felt a hot breath on her neck. Slowly she turned, facing the white beast that stood upon two legs. "Lydia, don't move," Scott said.

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