Marcanne: Can't take my eyes off you

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Anne's Pov:

Marcy and I were walking around Wartwood, I looked at her and got a funny feeling in my stomach. I soon felt my face heat up as she grabbed my hand. Why do I feel like this? I kept asking myself every time I felt that same funny feeling. We sat on a hill which showed the beautiful landscaping and sky. The sun was setting. It looked gorgeous, I looked over at Marcy. Her eyes were bright and looked like they were dusted with gold. She looked beautiful. I guess she had caught me looking at her because she looked at me and asked why I was staring. I came up with some weird excuse. She gave me a weird joking look but then started laughing for some odd reason. I felt that weird feeling again. I started laughing as well.

M: isn't it the sky so...
A: stunning?
M: Yeah, it's gorgeous!
A: Hey, Marcy.
M: Yeah?
A: I know this is a weird question but... Do you like anyone right now?
M: I do, why?
A: just curious. Is it... Sasha?
M: Well... I mean, Sash is great and all but she's not the person I have eyes on right now. Do you like anyone right now?
A: Well I think I actually might.
M: Who?
A: Erm, well... I... HEY, look at the sky isn't it j-just stunning

Marcy's Pov:

I drew my attention to the sky. It looked beautiful. I turned over to Anne. She was all red and she looked nervous.

M: Anne, are you ok?! You're all red and stuff!
A: Oh no Marcy I'm fine really! We can stay here-
M: Nope, we're going home and I'm gonna get you all better. You can't protect the town if you're all sick!

I grabbed Anne's hand as we walked back to the Plantars. I explained why we came back so early, I asked if something triggered Anne to turn all red but they didn't know either. I walked to the basement slowly and quietly. I didn't want to wake up Anne if she was sleeping. When I was at the bottom of the stairs, Anne was staring at a photo of us. Her, Sash, and I. I noticed there was some red marker around me. Anne quickly jumped up and looked at me.

A: Dude, you scared me! Why didn't you like knock on the wall or something.
M: Ah, sorry I just didn't want to wake you if you were sleeping.
A: Oh, ok it's fine. Just knock next time, please.

Anne put the picture under her pillow. I wondered why she didn't just put it on her table, it was right next to her. I walked upstairs as I wondered what that red marker was around me. Maybe she accidentally stained the photo when she landed here. No, that possibly couldn't be. It couldn't be such a good circle or whatever shape it was. I made it my mission to find out, but right now, healing Anne was more important.

M: Hey Anna-banana
A: Hey marcy, what you up to?
M: Looking for something to help you with your sickness.
A: Mar-Mar I'm not sick, I was just really hot earlier. You know, the humidity and stuff.
M: Ohhh yeah that makes more sense now I think about it.
A: You need rest, I know you're eager to fix the music box and get home, but seriously dude you need to take a break once in a while!
M: I guess taking one break couldn't hurt... Hey Anne?
A: Yeah Mar-Mar?
M: So earlier when you were looking at your photo, I saw there was a red mark around me-
M: Ooo, It's so cute!

Anne's POV:

I sighed as I realized Marcy was distracted. I blushed as I looked at my feet.

-One hour later-

M: Hey Anne
A: Yeah?
M: Do you ever wonder what it would be like to stay in Amphibia and go on crazy adventures like this for y'know... forever?
A: Sometimes, but I wouldn't take it that far, but it's pretty cool.
M: Yeah..
A: Why do you ask?
M: Mm.. no reason just curious

I looked over at Marcy, I could stare at her forever. I guess I stared at her a little to long because she looked over at me and asked if I was OK. I blushed as our eyes met.

A: O-oh no I'm fine Marcy!
M: OK if you say so!

I stood up and held out my hand, I saw Marcy blush slightly as she grabbed my hand. We walked back to the Plantars with our hands connected. I didn't want this moment to end' I thought as I looked around. We got back to the Plantars home and it was already dark.

Marcy followed me down to the basement as she sat down next to me. She say her hand down. I guess my photo was sticking out because it dropped on the floor. My eyes widened as I rushed to grab it, but I was to late. Marcy had already grabbed it and was examining the picture. I panicked and nabbed it out of her hand. Marcy had looked at me and then asked quietly, "Do you... like me?"

A: Well... I guess I could say that

I started to cry as It sunk in that marcy knew, I'm still confused about my feeling about her but I can't deny I feel something towards her. She wiped my tears off of my face as she hugged me.

M: Oh Anne, I could never let anything get in between our friendship. I actually  feel the same and I've kind of been hiding it for a while...
A: Sometimes I just can't take my eyes off you Mar-Mar.

We smiled as we both grabbed eachothers hand, my face felt warm and kind of tingly.

M: I love you Anne.
A: I love you too Mar-Mar.


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