Marcanne: Butterflies

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Marcy's POV:

I was drawing in my notebook as I waited for Anne to get back from the woods. She didn't tell me why she was going into the woods though. I was staring at my notebook and doodling as one does when they're bored. I looked up and there Anne was, she was looking at me and then her eyes shifted to my notebook.

A: Watcha doing marce?

I jolted back and held my notebook into my chest. I blushed then soon sat back up.

M: Anne, you scared me!

A: Oh, sorry Marcy I didn't mean to!

I sighed as I patted the spot next to me. Anne sat down and put her head on my shoulder as she soon moved her eyes to notebook page. I got butterflies in my stomach as she did this.

I had been crushing on Anne for not that long... ok maybe it has been a long time but 1 year isn't that long in all honesty! I started showing Anne my drawings from all my studies and random doodles of the newts and the king.

Soon I had arrived to a page that I had drawn Anne on. I flipped the page and soon my face turned red. I didn't want Anne to see my drawing of her! It's embarrassing in a sense, like even though I shouldn't be embarrassed I am y'know?

A: is that me?

M: Uhm, No!

I panicked I didn't know what to say, Anne soon laughed.

A: Don't be embarrassed Mar-Mar, I think it looks good!

I soon started laughing awkwardly, we both laughed at my embarrassment. I closed my notebook and we both stood up. I was walking towards the plantars home until Anne stopped me.

A: Hey Marce, do you want to go  somewhere with me later? It's gonna be a surprise!

M: Sure!

Anne waved at me before she ran back into the woods. I wondered what she was doing. I smiled and turned to walk back to the planatars home. I opened the door and sprig was next to hop pop.

S: Hey Marcy, have you seen Anne?

M: Yeah I saw her earlier.

S: I haven't seen her all day. Where is she?

M: she ran into the woods. I don't know what's she doing but she's there.

S: Mhm, ok thanks Marcy!

Sprig walked out the door. I soon started walking towards Anne's room. She didn't have much down there but her room was still very interesting. I sat and leaned against her bed. I grabbed my notebook and started drawing again.

I came up with my own Newtsona, I think that she's a brave, adventurous and curious newt who's scared of nothing! Not even death can scare her! I also came up with a frogsona for Anne, I think she's a little paranoid but a brave warrior who will stop at nothing to defend the people she loves!

I wondered what Anne thought about each frog in Wartwood. I flipped to the next page. One hour had passed and I got up and looked around Anne's room a bit. I know I'm not supposed to be sneaking around her room but I can't help it! It's very fascinating.

I heard the door open and I sat down on the floor again. I flipped open my book and started doodling. Soon I heard the floor creak. I covered my face with the book a little more, I was nervous.

A: Marcy!

I started sweating as I heard my name being called. I put my note book next to me then looked up. Anne was standing on the stairs smiling at me. I blushed a little bit then stood up.


She walked towards me then gave me a hug. I hugged her back.

A: Why are you in my room?

M: I just missed you so I came down here.

A: I was only gone for one hour, Oh that reminds me...

Anne reached for something in her pocket. She grabbed a magenta Dianthus out of her pocket. It was all shriveled and looked kind of dead seeing as it was in her pocket. I smiled at the flower as she handed it to me.

M: Awe Anne, thanks!

A: No problem Marcy, your surprise is ready!

M: Oo, what is it?

A: It's a surprise silly!

Anne smiled as she booped my nose. I blushed then looked away. We both sat down on the floor. We talked for awhile until Anne grabbed my hand and stood up. I stood up and grabbed my notebook before we both walked out of the house and towards the woods.

-Time Skip-

M: Anne where are we going?

We were already 20 minutes into the woods, it was starting to get kinda dark.

A: Don't worry marbles were almost there.

We arrived at a little tree-fort. It was a bunch of sticks and leaves held together by the trees next to it. Anne went inside and then gestured me to follow. I sat next to her and smiled at the effort she put into the Fort.

A: Do you like it Marcy?

M: Of course Anne, this is super cool! You went out of your way to make this just for me?

A: Yeah, I made it as sorta a gift for you to know how much I appreciate you.

I blushed and smiled, Anne looked at me and our eyes locked. She leaned in and so did I. I closed my eyes and then our lips connected. I grabbed her shoulders and then we both pulled away.

I looked at her in shock and we both just stared at eachother.

A: So... what now?

M: I don't know, I mean yo- We just...

I stopped in shock at what I was about to say.

M: Kissed!

A: Yeah... did I make you uncomfortable, did you not wanna kiss me, cause if you didn't wanna kiss me then that's totally fine to say it now-

M: No, Anne it's fine. I... kinda did.

I scratched my neck and looked at her.

A: So since that happened, do you maybe kinda wanna, go on a date with me?

M: I'd love too Anne!

-Time skip-

Anne's POV:


Sprig exclaimed as his mouth hung open.

A: What are you upset or something?

SP: No it's just, I never thought you would be that... forward with your feelings.

A: Wait you knew?

SP: I hear you talking to yourself at night... Also I might have read your journal.


SP: Sorry I just like drama!

I sighed and smiled a bit.

A: Well who knows what the future holds, I guess well just have to wait and see.

SP: Yeah, I guess we will.

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